Saturday 10 October 2009

Fashion Week 2010 of Poptropica

The first fashion week in Poptropica was by me in Spy Island. The next places I am trying to reserve are Early Poptropica or Nabooti Island. You should pick. I need votes, the polls are down so I can't post polls on the bar on the right. Subscribe to me at Vote at the comments area please.

MORE FASHION WEEK 2010 NEWS: I am trying to figure out which 7 pretty Poptropicans are right for this fashion show. I auditioned them this morning and I am sorting them out, eliminating them one at a time until I have exactly 7 Poptropicans. By the way, has anyone seen Speeding Spike around here? I have heard he has been speeding and putting viruses on Blogger. If you see him anywhere, contact Blogger's help or support center. :)

Be A Fashion Expert For Halloween!!!

Let me tell you some tips for being a fashion expert at the Halloween party inside some chat rooms in Poptropica for a big party. I recommend these designs. I can't put up any photos because that will not be wise. You can know what I'm talking about right(, I hope). Here are fashion tips to stay good for the Halloween party. These are only for in the real world in Halloween.

1. Make your own Halloween costume! Reuse fabric and create a witch's hat for it. Use old cloth and color it if you want to have a dress like a witch. Use a blanket for the cape. Ask your parents before doing this.

2. Color up the night by dressing up in different colors like pink, purple, green, yellow, black, and red to brighten up dark nights. I recommend this for everyone. This is my #1 fashion golden rule.

3. Accesorize with glow sticks, necklaces, and make you own cape.

4. Dress up in light-weight or medium-weight costumes to make you walk faster. This will also save time by walking to the party.

5. Casual costumes like super heroes, princesses, and animals are just a bore. Try something new for a halloween costume. Dress up like a rock star so you can rock the night away, or maybe you could choose a career costume like a vet, police officer, firefighter, sports athlete, or a magician. try dressing up in these costumes.

You can be a fashion expert for Halloween and get a job at a very famous designer company. Happy Early Halloween!

Friday 9 October 2009

Boo! Haunted House Island Mini-Game

There is a mini-game in Poptropica that can be accomplished by puzzle madness and smartitude. It is called Haunted House Island. You will earn 50 Credits for completing it. It's a pretty small island though, but a big surprise at the end. Don't forget to pass out candy, dress up and go trick-or-treating, and hang out at your friends to have a Halloween party. Well, bye.