Monday 18 January 2010

Official Fashion Assignments For 2010 PoptropicaStars Fashion Show!

These are the official fashion assignments for the PoptropicaStars Fashion Show 2010. Here they are:

Episode 1: New Kingdom Fashion
Episode 2: Stripes & Stars
Episode 3: Hawaiian Fashion
Episode 4: Super Hero Fashion
Episode 5: Colonial Fashion
Episode 6: Any Fashion (needs to be presentable)

I can't tell you the winner because that would be spoiling the surprise. I'm also working on a music video so please don't disturb me while I work my hardest. Anyway, the fashion show is still being filmed and deciding a theme song for the show.

If you want to ask any questions or comments, please click on this word ----->PoptropicaStars. I'm glad to help people, you can also e-mail me at Thank you for your support.

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