Friday 19 March 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Twists and Turns

Here are some the twists and turns that are going to be on PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever.

TIME LIMITS: These time limits are decided by how difficult the assignment is, the lowest we can give the Poptropicans to design it is in 4 hours. That's not a lot of time, sometimes it ranges to 8 hours depending how difficult it is to get the design done.

TIME CHECKS: A time check is when there is a tie vote in a voting, the two or more people that have the same number of votes will come forward and check who ever has the quickest time of finishing will be eliminated because people have to take their time on assignments.

THE STAR CHALLENGE: A star challenge is only found when there are only 3 Poptropicans left in the game, PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever. They will play a fashion game which they have something to do with fashion. The winner will recieve the voting pass and the only person that can vote, the Poptropican can gift that person with the voting pass, but then the Poptropican that gives away the voting pass can't vote.

DOUBLE ELIMINATION: The double elimination is only in use of Season 2 because there are
8 contestants/designers in Season 2 or other seasons that have gone past Season 2. It is where two contestants/designers will be eliminated from the game. Double eliminations will occur if there are 6 or 7 contestants left in the game.

These are all the twists and turns of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever.

UPDATE: After Season 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever is done, it will move to another channel.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Assignments

The assignments on PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever are decided on how much work, how many different choices, and we put some unexpected twists in this Poptropica show like, time limits, fashion immunity, in one episode there will be a "time check". A "time check" meaning on the PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever series is when the votes have been tallied up and there is a tie in the votes, we would see who had the fastest time of finishing. The person that finishes before the other person that got the same number of votes will be eliminated because you don't need to rush to finish an assignment, you have to take your time wisely. They won't finish on the same time.

RED = important phrases

Saturday 13 March 2010

Penelope's Fashion Pictures

These are some of her pictures took last year. Very pretty, isn't it?

Follow her on Twitter!

Dr. Hare's Secret Lab Card / Cheese Touch on Poptropica

There is more than just defeating Dr. Hare in 24 Carrot, you get to explore his top secret lab. (Well, not secret anymore if you have the card.) Rumors said there was a micro-quest inside the lab, some kids say that there are 200 Poptropica credits if you finish the "so called" micro-quest. Reality TV Show Island is coming out soon for the people that don't have memebership. Not me, I have memebership, but I'm not uploading the walk-through until I have finished my PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever episodes. In teh moment, I'm planning the Season 5 of PoptropicaStars promos. I can't accept requests right now because I'm really busy this spring break. Thank you for understanding.

I beg your pardon, but some people are getting the cheese touch on Poptropica, that is not allowed, but an advertisement for the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid's game of the cheese touch is appropriate right now, but not in the chat rooms or Multiverse rooms, really, it's not fun doing it in chat rooms or Multiverse rooms.

Wednesday 3 March 2010


I didn't really like this island because of it's scenery and characters. I watch Survivor and this season, the real Survivor had shocking tribal councils and immunity challenges, it wasn't good enough for the island. There should've been more contestants like about 16 contestants and two tribes. The immunity challenges were quite unrealistic except for the shuffleboard and other real games. I would like to put some people speaking like Jeff saying "Ericka, the tribe has spoken." or "Timothy, wins immunity.".