Saturday 2 October 2010

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: ChannelPoptropica and PoptropicaStars Merge

On September 30, 2010, PoptropicaStars signed the merging contract for ChannelPoptropica and now, PoptropicaStars and ChannelPoptropica will merge to form a network between each other. PoptropicaStars's videos can still be viewed from that channel, but it can also be viewed on ChannelPoptropica's playlist on ChannelPoptropica's channel. The following PoptropicaStars original videos that will be merged on to ChannelPoptropica's channel will be listed below:

  • PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Series
  • PoptropicaStars Music Videos

ChannelPoptropica's shows can't be viewed on PoptropicaStars's channel, but PoptropicaStars's videos can be viewed on ChannelPoptropica's channel. Merging the videos will start October 10, 2010. Thank you for your cooperation for reading this important announcement.

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