Friday 20 April 2012

Mysterious Facebook Page Disapperance

We have gotten some e-mails saying the official PoptropicaStars Facebook page has been removed. Yes, the Facebook page was removed by Facebook for an idiotic reason (or by an idiotic reporter) stating she infringed a copyright. Now, PoptropicaStars has rejected Facebook as a way to interact with her fans due to the fact her photoshoots were all forced to be crumpled. Her following interactive news feeds are still intact, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and this blog. Thank you for listening. If you know someone who used to follow her on Facebook, make sure to tell him/her to transfer onto this site or the others listed above.


  1. Thank you so much PoptropicaStars for posting my fan drawing on Facebook, but I hope it wasn't my fault that got your page deleted. I freaking hate Facebook right now. >:( It's evil, you don't want to go there. That's why I have you followed on Twitter. ;) Keep on having luck! Don't stop with PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever!

  2. Porschea Sonata20 April 2012 at 16:13

    I hate Facebook, their timeline update sucks, their new layout sucks, the only site that I think had a better makeover would have to be Twitter. It's more organized than the last Twitter layout. Don't get all mad because of Facebook, your photoshoots survived here and that's the good thing.

  3. Ahhh... good thing I have you on Twitter. Facebook is evil I tell you. Never go there. That's why I never go to Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg is an egg head. He doesn't know anything about socialization and interactivity.

  4. That sucks PoptropicaStars. :( Your Facebook page was glamorously decorated and they stole your property. Girl, you should have them read the Constitution about one of the amendments about no taking property!

    ~Kissy :*

  5. That stinks. >:( I really hate Facebook. I never go there.

  6. Facebook is becoming a social network dumpster because of the new timeline update for pages. The only update I don't hate would be the Twitter one. Wish PoptropicaStars the best of luck on her new photoshoots! :)

  7. Hey everyone, wish me best of luck into getting in PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 3! :D And it really sucks PoptropicaStars's Facebook page is now removed. Stupid Facebook, I would just flick that guy straight up into hell for removing PoptropicaStars's page. That is just some obnoxious BS.

  8. I hate Facebook! PoptropicaStars deserves to have third party content, she's a celebrity for sakes! Facebook is jealous, they are just jealous PoptropicaStars is more beautiful than them.

  9. Katy is right, Facebook is just jealous PoptropicaStars is more beautiful than her, obviously. That's why I follow her on Twitter than go on Facebook. Hey, does anyone know if she has an Instagram or Flickr?

  10. Noooo! D: Bring PoptropicaStars's ENTIRE page back. Not just bits of scattered crap, her ENTIRE page. PoptropicaStars is my fashion role model. She's courageous, trustworthy, creative, and spunky.

  11. I'm agreeing with everyone here. FACEBOOK ADMINS, BRING BACK POPTROPICASTARS'S PAGE!!! I really need to hear about her life with Nathan Devilman and stuff. It's really hard to know what she's talking about in 120 characters. >_> (Twitter)

  12. Christina Ellison21 April 2012 at 18:12

    Facebook sucks for getting rid of PoptropicaStars's page. Why do they think they are the freakin' boss of everything. You know, PoptropicaStars is a celebrity and she can sue them for that. She can even hold a restraining order against them.

  13. PoptropicaStars is an amazing girl, they should definitely bring her profile back on Facebook. There should definitely be a petition signing for them to bring it back. Facebook just made their dumbest decision yet.

    1. Hi Teresa, I'd like to sign the petition.

      ~Kissy :*

    2. Christina Ellison21 April 2012 at 18:18

      I wanna sign the petition as well thank you very much. Facebook just hurt my feelings and probably PoptropicaStars's as well.

    3. Say no more Teresa, I would love to sign the petition. LOVE TO! I just want Facebook to bring back the fashion queen's Facebook page back.

    4. Definitely, sign me up!

    5. Sure, I want to sign it to bring her page back on Facebook! ;)

    6. Sign me on there, it's for the good of the majority. Please Facebook, I'm not even gonna argue with you. Just please give her back the page. It's her page, not yours to take. I agree with Kissy Jimenez, "no taking property" is in the Constitution.

    7. Obviously, I would love to sign this petition.

    8. Marie Luftzinger21 April 2012 at 18:27

      Hi Teresa, I would like to sign the petition please. Facebook has no idea what they've took away. PoptropicaStars's page is not just a page. It's a way of telling everyone what her update is on the Nathan relationship, fashion advice, and product publicity.

    9. It's my honor to sign this petition, bring back PoptropicaStars's Facebook page!

    10. My sister Julie made me read this. I'm in love with fashion and shoes and this just made my heart stop pumping for 2 seconds. I believe this petition would help therefore... I'm signing it. ^_^

    11. I'm signing it along side with my sister. ;) Double the help, lol.

    12. Should I sign it, uhh... duh. Obviously I'm signing it. Facebook is stupid. This petition has to work. :'( Please tell everyone in the entire world to sign this whether they know or like PoptropicaStars or not. It's just wrong.

    13. Thanks for the petition idea, I'm signing it. :D I really want to see PoptropicaStars's entire page back on board.

    14. I need to sign this petition, Facebook is turning into Facepoop! >:(

  14. Jessica Timpani21 April 2012 at 18:16

    Facebook, you are an idiot. Why in the Milky Way Galaxy would you delete PoptropicaStars's page?! That had to take a lot of stupidity and idiotic guts to do that. I'm ranting against them. I'm signing the petition.

    @Teresa Zevita
    I would like to sign the petition please. :)

  15. They're official crazy! Who would want to throw out PoptropicaStars's Facebook profile or page, whatever it's called. That's why I follow her on Twitter. :)

  16. What?! I officially hate Facebook now, it's nothing but crap since PoptropicaStars's page has been removed. -_-

  17. Facebook is such an idiot for taking away our only way of seeing accurate and more premium updates about PoptropicaStars and amazing fashion advice. I guess Twitter is her only way right now. :/ Well, PoptropicaStars is too good for Facebook, she deserves her own presidency.

  18. I think PoptropicaStars should get her Facebook page back so her fans can find her and it's really frustrating for fans like everyone else here to suffer through this. I mean, obviously, Facebook is jealous of PoptropicaStars for her better looks than her. Facebook is retarded!

  19. xrawritsalisonx25 April 2012 at 11:04

    it's alison <3
    facebook is a bitch :P

  20. Facebook is the most retarded social network ever on upgrading. I mean really, first the timeline update and then the removal of our loved fashion icon, PoptropicaStars. This just angers me too much! >:(
