Saturday 24 November 2012

Preparing For A Very Macy's Christmas

To prepare for the CHRISTMAS celebration and family re-reunion, PoptropicaStars has endorsed her limited edition, seasonal clothing line of "December Ready" into Macy's department stores on Mainland Poptropica, Tropicana Island, and the Poptropican Isles regions (only purchasable in Poptropica Country). The polka-dotted polyester mini-dress and red cashmere cardigan are two of ten articles which are represented in her new Christmas collection. Each article of clothing PoptropicaStars chose to design and started production with are stood out with bold, elegant December hues. This clothing line represents the beauty of all cultures including Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year's Eve. PoptropicaStars chose to showcase Christmas because it's the biggest traditional holiday in December where everyone goes out to shop for gifts. Some non-promotional apparel include the  necklace around PoptropicaStars's neck and the leopard fur high heels from Violette.

1. Macy's Star Cap
2. Morrison-Goliath Steel Necklace
3. Red & White Ankle-Length Socks

1. Cotton Candy Pink Lipstick

2. Paling Enhancer
Although "December Ready" is only available at Macy's in the Poptropican region, PoptropicaStars is promoting her new seasonal line in a photoshoot at Macy's Flagship Store in New York City.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Veterans Day Convention

PoptropicaStars attended a Veterans Day convention at 11:30 A.M. in Rancho Cucamonga, California today at the Poptropican Civic Center. Like her, many Poptropican celebrity residents who live in Los Angeles County were invited to this special VIP event. Military families and government figures who signed up for the event also were allowed into the convention with proof of waiver signatures. The turn-out for this convention went great as more than 100 guests came to the event.

At noon, Poptropicans attached the American flag to the indoor pole as each guest paid respects to the troopers. At 1:00 P.M., the guests were given a light European-style lunch including ratatouille, bruschetta, or lobster bisque with choice of drinks. At 2:25 P.M., guests were given the chance to meet a government figure. PoptropicaStars decided to chat with the official linguist of the Poptropican President, Britney Wright to learn more about her job as helping the Pop. President interpret messages. Other government figures attending the convention include Poptropican Branch of Congress member, Roger Kingston, and the Pop. President's assistant bill verifier, Edward Collingdale. At 3:00 P.M., guests were able to listen to Wright's speech about Veterans Day and the military families who sacrificed a lot to help countries in need. Nearing the end of the convention at 4:00 P.M., everyone had their final chats before leaving for the night.
PoptropicaStars (right) meets the official linguist of the Poptropican President, Britney Wright (left).

Sunday 4 November 2012

A "Corny" Date

This sunny afternoon, PoptropicaStars and Nathan Devilman took a decent road trip from Los Angeles to Irvine, California to visit a popular agricultural site near Orange County named Tanaka Farms. At Tanaka Farms, PoptropicaStars and Nathan were delighted to enjoy the wonderful essence of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. They walked through a corn maze (getting lost several times on their way to the finishing point), sat back and relaxed on a horse-drawn cart, danced to upbeat country music at the concert area, had a  nice picnic enjoying nature, and purchased a couple of souvenirs and farm-grown produce to take back home. At the end of the visit, PoptropicaStars and Nathan Devilman give each other a sweet kiss before driving back to their hometown. They make such a cute couple.

One of many photos PoptropicaStars and Nathan Devilman were taken in.