Saturday 24 November 2012

Preparing For A Very Macy's Christmas

To prepare for the CHRISTMAS celebration and family re-reunion, PoptropicaStars has endorsed her limited edition, seasonal clothing line of "December Ready" into Macy's department stores on Mainland Poptropica, Tropicana Island, and the Poptropican Isles regions (only purchasable in Poptropica Country). The polka-dotted polyester mini-dress and red cashmere cardigan are two of ten articles which are represented in her new Christmas collection. Each article of clothing PoptropicaStars chose to design and started production with are stood out with bold, elegant December hues. This clothing line represents the beauty of all cultures including Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year's Eve. PoptropicaStars chose to showcase Christmas because it's the biggest traditional holiday in December where everyone goes out to shop for gifts. Some non-promotional apparel include the  necklace around PoptropicaStars's neck and the leopard fur high heels from Violette.

1. Macy's Star Cap
2. Morrison-Goliath Steel Necklace
3. Red & White Ankle-Length Socks

1. Cotton Candy Pink Lipstick

2. Paling Enhancer
Although "December Ready" is only available at Macy's in the Poptropican region, PoptropicaStars is promoting her new seasonal line in a photoshoot at Macy's Flagship Store in New York City.


  1. Yes! PoptropicaStars has officially made a huge comeback after the Fashion Fever nonsense information! I'm grateful she released a new December holiday line, but it sucks I can't buy it cuz I live in Colorado. -_- That polyester dress looks so beautiful.

  2. Lovely polka-dotted dress, it looks so beautiful to look at and it definitely is comfortable if it's made from polyester. I'm not a big fan of the Violette high heels though (Sorry Alis. :P), they kind of defeat the purpose of what the photo shoot is about.

  3. Cute outfit, nice cap, awesome "less make-up" technique... the only problem I have is the use of paling enhancer, I don't see the difference of perplexion. I really love the Jerseylicious high heels, haha! xD

  4. I'm excited PoptropicaStars finally got accepted to endorse her holiday line at Macy's, but I really wanted to buy her cashmere cardigans for my mom. :( Please endorse it here in California (your home state, PoptropicaStars! -_-)

  5. Awesome cardigan PoptropicaStars. The cardigan looks very comfortable to wear as a jacket. I love them, but they are getting more expensive than the sports jackets you see in outdoors department stores. The dress also looks comfortable, but I'm not a big fan of polka dots, do you have them in diagonal stripes with red & white? :/

  6. PoptropicaStars has overachieved once again by bringing out her endorsement into Macy's! ^_^

    Everything about the "December Ready" line makes me want to run to a store on Early Poptropica and buy all the collection items. In the photoshoot, the polyester dress looks very fancy and nostalgiac in polka dot patterns. We're bringing back the Winter Wonderland once again. The cashmere cardigans are a pure tradition for another family "re-reunion", haha. The Macy's promotional cap is very cute along with the bizarre-looking high heels (probably made in New Jersey or Rhode Island) and necklace. The make-up is exactly perfect where nothing seems too real, nothing seems fake, very casual like going to your retail sales job.

    1. I would not have phrased this any better than you did. Good job. O,o

  7. I absolutely love PoptropicaStars's new mid-winter holiday collection this year. Everything looks traditional, attractive, and in a bolder fashion (the PoptropicaStars style). <3 the high heels and polka dot dress. This photoshoot just made my Christmas spirits go up. :) Thanks PoptropicaStars.

  8. Please support me into getting into PSFF3 please, this experience will change my life around if I get in. Thanks if you supported. ;)

    PoptropicaStars's fashion instinct never disappoints. The cashmere cardigans are really neat, but if there are cashmere, why can't there be cable cardigans??? That just doesn't make sense to me. On the upscale, I really love her polyester polka dotted dress and sassy Macy's cap.

  9. PoptropicaStars looks lovely in that polyester dress, I can't wait for Christmas and Kwanzaa to come! It's too bad I can't buy that dress at my Macy's because in Iowa, it just does not work that way like Poptropica. Saddd.... -_-

  10. PoptropicaStars is certainly an overachiever. I mean, just look at her. Having her own reality TV game show (PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever), endorsing a lot of her designer collections into many stores, and even participates in numerous charity organizations. She's an obvious nominee for the Poptropican secret Santa. The outfit for this photo shoot really describes the joy she brings to me. :)

    PoptropicaStars Fashion 4 Life!

  11. I know I say this a lot but...

    1. Ugh! -_- POPTROPICA SACRIFICE isn't even produced by PoptropicaStars, it's created by Angie Camer (thepakmak). It's not even on this site.

    2. Ya, i'd have to agree with Brittany on this one, Sacrifice is a good show, but it's not made by PoptropicaStars. It's produced by thepakmak. ;) It's a nice Poptropican-styled 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show.

    3. And how can you agree with something that you don't even know what the answer is?! >:O God, Melanie! Why do you have to be so naive?

    4. Brittany, just STOP right there! Don't even go that far. It doesn't matter if she's dyslexic or not, you DO NOT call people naive, ignorant, or anything of that. That's mean and disrespectful. I'm so sorry, Melanie. Brittany's being a little tempered.

    5. Shut up, Tiffanie!

    6. Fine, I'll shut up once you be nice to Melanie. O.o

      Melanie, just ignore her. She's being a really stubborn biotch right now.

  12. It's going to be a very Macy's Christmas indeed, lol! ^_^ I'm joining in the fun on the 48 hour shopping spree the day before Christmas. There's going to be so much energy and excitement. I'm getting the last of the December Ready apparel. ;D

  13. I can't wait to buy PoptropicaStars's outfits at Macy's next week! Yay! :DDD

    I love the Macy's cap she has on in the photoshoot, very stylish and hip.
