Sunday 21 July 2013

Old-School Businesswoman Look

PoptropicaStars has been in her sketch studio at home lately drawing designs for her new, Business Savvy Collection coming soon in fall 2013. She has decided to share an upcoming product of her latest creation, the "Nontransparent Look", which features a white, light fabric dress shirt that does not have see-through abilities, a standard black skirt, and a belt currently in a fixing stage on the sketchpad. PoptropicaStars is hoping this will bring in businesswomen from lawyers to receptionists searching for a fresher, but proper look. 


  1. Jennifer Pisces21 July 2013 at 20:24

    Neat for a sketch, bad for presentation. :P Sorry, it just needs a fixer upper on the design of the Nontransparent Look.

  2. Porschea Sonata21 July 2013 at 20:25

    I like it, I think it will bring in new audiences. Good for PoptropicaStars for noticing the belt needs fixing. That just doesn't look right. Overall, I'm excited to see how this will turn out. :) Good luck.

  3. It's a little confusing, tbh. Not a very clear picture of what the entire collection is going to look like, but I guess a hint is a hint. Nothing in life can be all detailed and obvious.

  4. I think it's okay for a start. Good luck finishing the product.

  5. Brittany Menos21 July 2013 at 20:29

    I don't like it. The skirt is so generic that any beginner designer could make it. Belt needs a LOT of corrections. The shirt is okay, but it doesn't look possible for it to be totally nontransparent. It needs to be a lot more "milkier". I give PoptropicaStars a kudos for going back to the drawing board. I don't feel the magic in this design just yet.

  6. Auburn Grounds21 July 2013 at 20:31

    I think this collection will turn out great. I have never seen PoptropicaStars do a businesswear collection before and I'm excited she's taking the risk. I love risk takers! This is exactly what she needed to boost her revenues. Go PoptropicaStars!

  7. Mixed reactions from me. :/

    Firstly, the shirt will be impossible to create due to transparency levels in that hue of white. It needs to be as what Brittany said, "milkier'. I love the belt, it's something new to bring to the table. I don't know why everyone's dissing it. The skirt is okay, but I want pockets, frills, and it will be done.

  8. I love it so far!!! Of course there are some flaw, but that's what the sketch studio is for. So stop complaining people, let PoptropicaStars figure out her problems herself. She's a fricking grown Poptropican!

    ~Kissy :*

  9. It's okay I guess... I like the concept of the shirt, but i don't like the skirt or the high heels...

  10. I love the concept of this collection. PoptropicaStars is trying something new each season and this is one of her trickiest works yet. Of course businesswear and casualwear always receive mixed responses from the New York Times because it's hard to pull something together in half a season. It's hard to figure out something new for businesswear because everyone likes simple, functional apparel. Businesswear is hard because people usually wear layers when they go to work as an attorney or someone that has to dress professionally and when it gets hot, their dress shirts get sweaty and disgusting. When it's too cold, they have to bring ANOTHER layer which is so annoying sometimes. I think PoptropicaStars should focus on what is important in making businesswear more comfortable and inviting for professional workers. Just my opinion.

  11. Nice, great job so far on the dress shirt. Keep the fashion coming. ;D

  12. Christina Ellison21 July 2013 at 20:44

    I'm not a fan of businesswear, but I am happy for your challenge-taking spirit!

  13. It's cool. (Not really...) I think the dress shirt should have a pocket holder. That's something that will turn back time, but new if you make it correctly.

  14. Kimberly Hallstone21 July 2013 at 20:46

    I can't wait for fall and whenever the date arrives. This businesswear collection should be an instant success. Many women are searching for professional jobs at the moment and comfortable, affordable, and sophisticated is always in. Work with that. ;)

  15. May this be the best collection yet. I like some color on the businesswear, but not much. I'm also giving in a suggestion like the rest of everyone at the moment, lol. Fix the belt, please. :)

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