Wednesday 23 December 2009

Christmas Special Story Part 1

This is a story I'm going to read right now, it's called "A Poptropica Christmas"

Chapter 1
Incredible Speck was really excited for Christmas and she liked the presents she got every single year. This year, she was hosting a Christmas party, but she was wishing for everyone to enjoy her party. The problem was in her brain was every guest liked different foods and she couldn't figure out what she needed. "I will need to know what 7 things of food I need to bring for the party," said Incredible Speck. "If I need to know right now, I will have my special magical device called a cell phone to ask them what foods they like." Incredible Speck got the phone from Nabooti Island and she was really interested now where it came from in the first place. In Penelope's house, she was doing a manicure and pedicure break at her luxurious mansion and spa. "Hello, this is Incredible Speck." said Penelope's cell phone. Penelope picked up the phone really quickly like a hummingbird flying as fast as it could go. "What's up Incredible Speck," asked Penelope. "I need to ask you what your favorite food is," demanded Incredible Speck. "Quiche," answered Penelope. Penelope hung up the phone. "That's usually her personality," said Incredible Speck to herself. Incredible Speck grabbed a snack at her fruit bowl in the middle of the Piers 1 Imported Chinese bamboo table. She peeled and ate the ripe banana. She thought of calling Rob. Incredible Speck dialed Rob's phone number and he picked up the phone in two seconds. "Hello, this is Rob's house, oh hi Incredible Speck, nice to meet with you again." Incredible Speck did a spin and accidently toppled over while she daydreamed. "Hello? Anybody home?"asked confused Rob. "Oh, sorry Robby I was just wondering what your favorite food is." Rob made a glare at the telephone and he thought she was acting suspicious of something. "My favorite food is sandwich, and thanks for calling bye." Incredible Speck was confused why both Penelope and Rob hung up. She needed to get to the bottom of this.

What do you think will happen next? Find out tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to find out.

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