Friday 30 July 2010

Episode 5/Part 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever RELEASED

Episode 5/Part 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever was released today. Here's the link.

SUMMARY: The 3 remaining contestants make a tropical storm of Hawaiian fashion and one will win fashion immunity sending the designer up to the final 2. Who will it be? Find out and watch Episode 5/Part 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever, now!

CONTESTANTS: Alis, Bernadette, Sharon

Wednesday 28 July 2010

PoptropicaStars Music Videos

It's PoptropicaStars again, I'm thinking of doing a few more music videos with current 2009-2010 music. You can suggest some music videos, but it would have to be in studio version or in childish voices so I won't have any copyright problems. Check your suggesting music video on YouTube to make sure if it sounds good and it will somewhat have to fit the music with Poptropica because I've seen music videos on there and a LOT don't fit the music. If it doesn't fit the music, it makes no point to make one to me. I've learned that last month.

RESTRICTIONS: It has to be current music in the 2009-2010 range. It will be in studio version or kiddish voice so check if your music video you are suggesting is available in at least one and it sounds good enough to qualify. Check my YouTube channel to see if that music video is taken or not first too.

Friday 16 July 2010

Fourth Person Eliminated, Emily

Emily Ray is the fourth person eliminated, not voted out, on PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1. She arrived last in the elimination game, "The Elimination Race", due to going to an incorrect location. After she took off her shark costume and changed into her clothes. Emily walked to the van and arrived at the elimination villa in Miami, Florida this morning at 5:30 a.m. In the morning, Leslye said Christina was much nicer now and Paris was still upset (from episode 3) because of Emily telling everyone about the Bernadette and Paris alliance. Emily told everyone the placings of "The Elimination Race" to everyone. Paris still believed that Bernadette was first place, not Alis.

Merna Liseria, the Poptropica Daily News Scoop editor, came to the elimination villa and asked Emily Ray how was she eliminated, it was easy telling her why.

Nick Burley, Good Morning Poptropica's host had Emily as a guest star and asked Emily these following questions.

QUESTION (NICK): Emily, did you feel when you were last?
ANSWER (EMILY): I cried a little when I arrived last and she said I was eliminated. So, I was sad.

QUESTION: What could you have done to make you go further in the game?
ANSWER: This part wasn't counting on friends so, yeah, I could've made the right turn instead of stopping to go looking on Fort Ridley.

QUESTION: In episode 2/part 1, why did you do the same idea as Sharon did?
ANSWER: She was annoying me a bit so I had to teach her a lesson.

QUESTION: In episode 3/part 1, why did you trust Sharon then?
ANSWER: I trusted in Sharon that part because she was the only person to get so I can get rid of one of the alliance members.

QUESTION: Do you regret anything you have done in the game?
ANSWER: Yes, two actually, and that was copying what Sharon did in episode 2 and taking two wrong turns in "The Elimination Race".

These were the questions Nick Burley asked Emily Ray, 4th place on season 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever.

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Episode 4/Part 2 RELEASED!

Episode 4/Part 2 was released yesterday evening. Here's the link to that part of the episode.

SUMMARY: PoptropicaStars has a little twist to the game. It's called "The Elimination Game" and the last person that finishes "The Elimination Game" will be automatically eliminated. Find out who it is, watch the link above to see.

Thursday 8 July 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 2 Auditions CLOSED!

I had lots of girls sign up for Season 2 because they love the show so far. Signing up for PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 2 is now closed. For elite members1 though, still have time until July 20. Elite members can also be full-time judges or part-time judges depending on the cost ($3.00 per episode).

SEASON 2 AUDITIONS: Audition tapes and CDs will start being reviewed over on July 9, 2010. The semi-final decisions will be decided on July 10, 2010. Contestant interviews will start July 11, 2010 until July 12, 2010. Final decisions will be shown July 15, 2010.

^1: Elite members of PoptropicaStars's channel/network are people that subscribed to me on YouTube, followed me on one or more of my three blogging spaces (Blogger, Twitter, and Facebook), and commented on one of my videos on YouTube.

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Episode 4/Part 1 RELEASED!

Episode 4/Part 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever is now released on YouTube. Click on the link below to view this part of the episode.

SUMMARY: The 4 remaining designers will "go back in time" and design an outfit that was back in the old cottage times. If you guessed colonial fashion, then you are correct. After the runway show, as usual, PoptropicaStars says who won fashion immunity from the runway showing and then go deciding who the eliminated person will be. Next part, it will be different, there will be a twist to elimination. Find out next part, but watch this one first.

Contestants remaining: Alis, Bernadette, Emily, Sharon

Monday 5 July 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 2 Auditions OPEN

The Season 2 auditions of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever is open. The auditions will close July 8. If you come late, you won't be counted as an auditioner and you will be counted as late and can't audition next season.

Thanks for understanding and please audition with your first name, last name, state/city, need to have proof you are a beginner fashion designer of higher, needs to be ages 5~18 if you are willing to be on the show.

FINE PRINT: No gold cards or costume cards on show/filming.

Thursday 1 July 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1 "Red Carpet" Moments Part 1

Check out Christina, Leslye, and Paris's "red carpet" moments.

Below this post.

Paris's "Red Carpet" Moment

You know Paris with her alliance with Bernadette. She was caught with her alliance and was eliminated placing her in 5th place. This was Paris's red carpet moment.

"My red carpet moment is the alliance and how it ended with a gossip that was the truth. Another red carpet moment was when I was on the New Kingdom fashion assignment and made a design that looked kind of like Cinderella's plain old dress. I thought of Cinderella while thinking of the fashion assignment." ~Paris Chartel, PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever contestant

This red carpet moment was sponsored by Poptropica Network and Reality TV Studios.

Leslye's "Red Carpet" Moment

You will know Leslye in the show with her exercising and thinking at the same time in the game. She was acting a little suspicious for the contestants so 3 people voted for Leslye therefore, dropping her to 6th place. Leslye was interviewed of what her "red carpet" moment was. This was her "red carpet" moment.

"The red carpet moment I had was when Penelope said to design a New Kingdom outfit and I thought about castles and knights whith shiny armor, so yeah, I didn't understand the idea of the outfit, I didn't hear the pretty princess part." ~Leslye Juantana, PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever contestant

This red carpet moment was sponsored by Poptropica Network and Reality TV Studios.

Christina's "Red Carpet" Moment

You know Christina by her way of manipulation for her strategy in her game which landed her in 7th place/last place. Not that smart, but this was her "red carpet" moment interview.

"This was a short red carpet moment of me in the show. Making Sharon, Bernadette, and Paris angry to cause some drama in this game." ~Christina Jones, PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever contestant

This red carpet moment was sponsored by Poptropica Network and Reality TV Studios.