Friday 13 August 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S1 Contestants Comments from Viewers

Season 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever is coming to a close. Just before we reveal who the winner of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S1 is, let's take a moment to see how people reacted to this season's contestants.

ALIS: Alis is a smart player in the competition. She played it safe by eliminating the people that she knew would have the most of the votes, she joined and left people in the right times like Jun and Alison from Big Brother 4 in the U.S version. Not only she made good moves, she also made a lot of fabulous designs that wowed the judges. She's the best player to me. She really needs to be in all-stars. ~Nikki Hampton

BERNADETTE: Bernadette had a couple of struggles along the way to the final 3. Bernadette lost the only alliance member she had and made average designs that didn't really please the judges. Not only was she a weak player, she technically won fashion immunity because Paris helped her with the design. In the rules, it didn't say anything about helping out each other. So Paris technically won fashion immunity on episode 2. Bernadette only got into the final 3 because of her sportsmanship and her weak moves, but still remained in the game until she got voted out by Alis. ~Paul Gordine

CHRISTINA: Christina had a tin man brain. She made the worst move of the season, sabotaging, really? Shame on you Christina Jones. You should not be deserving 1 Poptropica credit of the prize at all. You deserve a spankin' and deserves negative 100 Poptropica credits. ~Briana Elpano

EMILY: Emily was an okay player. She told about the P & B alliance at the right moment before they take over the show. It was a wild card moment that she was eliminated in "The Elimination Race". She had good designs. Bring her to all-stars, she's good. ~Calvin Doreem

LESLYE: Leslye? Everything she did was boring. Boring, boring, boring! Her exercising to think was a pain in the neck. She was acting a little suspicious not hanging out with the others. Now I know she was not secluded from the pack. Thank God she was eliminated 2nd. I couldn't stand her one more episode trying to exercise, it's not even an exercise show. ~Helena Lumies

PARIS: Paris is probably a sporty type, my type. She was gorgeous, her designs for her were good, but I like her alliancing with Bernadette. She was funny when she got angry at Emily for spying on her. I want her to be on all-stars please. ~Edward Fernandez

SHARON: Sharon is hot, funny, and se*y. She likes acting with different emotions a lot which is funny to watch her get all mad, sad, happy, and worried. That was an LOL moment. She made the best designs and she needs to be in the all-stars season competing with the others. ~ Jason Coppers

These are real people and their comments about the contestants. These were chosen some of the best answers except for Jason and Edward trying to flirt with them. Some or bad, some are good, not every person likes them all.

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