Saturday 27 August 2011

Poptropica Back To School Shopping

We know everyone is going back to school this year, from kindergarten to college, from students to teachers, we all have something everyone will love. PoptropicaStars is pitching in for the "back to school shopping spree" in Poptropica. She chose 3 different stores in the Poptropica area for the best back to school clothes that are affordable, fashionable, and you will love.

"Okay, so I have chosen some stores you must go to for the latest apparel for your kids. These stores will have fashionable school clothes, low prices, and still have leftover cash for lunch boxes and more. Here we go!" ~PoptropicaStars

1. Target- This "super-store" has low prices for kids' shoes, tops, pants, shorts, skirts, backpacks, and you'll save lots of money at this store.

2. Madelyn's Closet- This Poptropica designer store has really the most bargain prices you'll ever find in Poptropica. You'll get your tops and pants uniforms there in a split second. You won't have to wait for restocking because they will restock for you every hour. They will even have kid-friendly earrings and necklaces you can wear to school.
3. Kohl's- This home and clothing department store has big name brand apparel like Levi's jeans and SO®. They even have athletic apparel like Adidas and Nike for a low price. Kohl's has all the fashion you need for a reasonable price, plus you'll have more money in your pocket for school supplies and lunch boxes.


  1. I usually shop at Target.

  2. Like Kohl's better, Target's too cheap and Madelyn's Closet is a female store. :P

  3. Madelyn's closet is not my favorite store. They sell discounted prices, but designer clothing? I don't get it. That's just wrong. How are they still in business after 4 years?

  4. Tiffani Alexander27 August 2011 at 17:43

    Don't like this article at all. You forgot about Macy's genuises. Macy's is the only department store I shop at for high school clothes.

  5. @TiffanyAlexander

    Wow! If you're a genius, how come you couldn't spell "genius" right? O.o

  6. Tiffani Alexander27 August 2011 at 17:44


    If you're a genius, how come you mispelled my name?! POWNED! >:D

  7. Where's Macy's? I think it's better than Target. Everything beats out Wal-Mart though. xD

  8. Yeah, where IS Macy's?

  9. Moneya Esplanade27 August 2011 at 18:22

    I live in the Sierra Bolte area of Ellisburg, where is the nearest Madelyn's Closet there? I want to buy a blue studded diamond necklace. Heard they were very fancy.

  10. Cassidy Flemming27 August 2011 at 18:24

    WRONG!!! Target sucks Tootsie Rolls, Kohl's is the beast!

  11. @MoneyaEsplanade

    There's a Madelyn's Closet on 180 Hemisphere Blvd. in the Para-Leone Marketplace.

  12. I really don't like Madelyn's Closet, Target, or Kohl's. They are just selling crappy brands of clothing. What happened to the REAL BEST designer brands like Abercrombie & Fitch, Pink, and Ralph Lauren?

  13. Stefanie Milloren27 August 2011 at 18:34

    PoptropicaStars, Target is NOT the best place to buy cheap, reasonable priced apparel for school. They mix it in with those groceries, magazines, furniture, and appliances. They just put random crap at Target. In Madelyn's Closet, they will run out of business in less than 10 years. Selling designer brand clothing for a very low price is just not making sense. Kohl's is just like Target, only with furniture. They all suck, I'm very sorry. I would actually want a REAL department store like Burlington's or Pink.

  14. Hey! Kohl's is awesome!!!

  15. Tracy-Loreta Frankton27 August 2011 at 18:37


    I live in the downtown Ellisburg area and I live a few blocks away from the closest Madelyn's Closet in the city. You should check it out. All the young'un girls should go there for back to school shopping. PoptropicaStars is correct on that one.

  16. Kohl's better. I'd rather shop somewhere that's only clothes and furniture than cheap designer brands and Target randomness.

  17. Madelyn's Closet is one of my favorite stores. I'd rather get laughed at all day than walk around in Target brands.

  18. I actually like Target. They have fun ads, great prices, and you can get everything you need there. Not sure why people are complaining about the store.

  19. I like Kohl's and Target. I don't go to Madelyn's Closet since I'm not a woman.

  20. Kohl's is better than every other store. That's the entire reason PoptropicaStars gave us three choices dummies!

    There's a Madelyn's Closet in downtown. Just like what Tracy said. James's commented location for MC is a little difficult to find and park.
