Wednesday 3 August 2011

PoptropicaStars's Latest Make-Up Styles for August

PoptropicaStars is showing off her new August trend of cosmetic haves for this month. This time, she will be taking you on a "field trip" to the Marquie Cosmetics in West Hollywood, California. The store owner, Rhianna Pledger, let PoptropicaStars cruise through her store checking out the latest make-up this month has to offer. Here are some of the cosmetics PoptropicaStars found delightful and stunning.

1. Autumn Iris Eyeshadow & Light Brown Mini-Dip Eyeshadow Lining

2. Peach Cobbler With Cherry Crusted Lipstick & Light Brown Glitter


  1. Just two, I thought there were going to be more.

  2. #2 is just horrible. Not liking the red outline, looks extremely ugly and fake, the peach color is all I need.

  3. First one, GREAT :D, second one, BAD! :P

  4. I don't like how Blogger seperates the paragraphs far away. It's getting on my nerves.

    @DebraPomino if you agree.

  5. This is just terrible. Very sad August line.

  6. I think PoptropicaStars needs to lower her expectations about high-fashion material. All she's doing is making herself look fake and metallic.

  7. Whoah! Hold it "Anony", PoptropicaStars isn't fake. She's showing the people here about make-up styles. What's wrong with that? It's not like your services here will be needed after that despicable comment about her. Please, show some manners and respect. I really like her August cosmetics. I want to try number one.

    Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful and you're not. ;)

  8. Marquie Cosmetics IS a top-brand make-up store! O.O

  9. Has anyone noticed the pictures kinda make a little face, split photo?

  10. Jonathan Termilon3 August 2011 at 17:29


    It kind of does.

  11. Porschea Sonata3 August 2011 at 17:31

    What the heck is the second photo? It looks like too much lipstick. Red layered with peach and then glitter? Too much, so fake.

  12. I'm thinking of suggesting one of these to my girlfriend, which one do you guys and girls suggest?

  13. @AdamKimple

    I would suggest the first one obviously because it's less work, easy, and won't look really messy when you finish.

    SOURCE: I'm a celebrity make-up artist from Santa Ana, CA and this is just what I do.

  14. I actually like the second one because I <3 wearing make-up, it's so glamorous. Too bad I don't even live in the U.S :(

  15. @adamkimple

    I like the first one too, agreeing with Sarah. The second one's not a good choice, (unless you want to be a rock star, but for now it's) so fake and difficult to do. You'll need a professional to do it. It's not really a homemade type.

  16. Hi, the OFFICIAL PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1 designer is here.

    I've decided bnoth are great. They both take a lot of effort and profession to create. The first one looks simple, yet complex. The light brown eyeshadow lining tool is hard to buy and most of them are from France, Italy, or Japan. The second one looks extremely difficult to master and it's very creative. The traditional red lipstick needs to be added first, dried, and then add the peach cobbler lipstick. The light brown glitter is just a fun, little addition to the work. I believe PoptropicaStars worked very hard for us, taking her time, to perfect the August cosmetics styles.

  17. The second one is just horrendous, I would not want me to even try the peach cobbler and cherry crusted lipstick pattern. No way, not in a trillion lightyears.

  18. Hi! I'm a new fan to you. I just saw your blog today and it's great. Poptropica stars, I'll call her Star, star nice fashions you have. This make-up is pretty. :)
