Wednesday 28 December 2011

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S2 Interviews: Danielle's Elimination

Danielle Tarenses, the self-employed, 17-year old girl, from San Mateo, California was eliminated due to her lack of strength in fashion designing and her crazy outburst happening during the fashion designing time. She left the designing lair immediately after she said her good-byes and packed her bags. She was relocated to the elimination station villa in Malibu, California where Jennifer Crowsey was waiting for the next eliminee. Jennifer was extremely shocked Danielle was eliminated from the designing lair. Danielle put in the episode 2 DVD of how her journey failed while they had a lovely cherry amaretto cocktail. They got a special spa treatment on the villa's balcony and enjoyed a relaxing meditation session in the villa's mystery room.

Danielle received a surprise phone call from her parents at home and told her they missed her and her little brother spent time with her on the phone as well.

Before Danielle arrived at the villa, she needed to get ready for her interview with Nick Burley, the host of Good Morning Poptropica. The interview started at 7:20 and Nick asked these questions during the interview:

NICK: Good morning Danielle, how are you doing?

DANIELLE: Good morning Nick, I'm doing fine.
NICK: Sweet, let's start it, what would you change on your Japanese outfit you designed?
DANIELLE: Creatively speaking, I would've added a sunflower yellow pencil skirt instead of the paper mache crap I designed. That would've possibly given me a glimpse of hope of surviving another night of elimination.

NICK: In your first fashion assignment, critic reviewing, what do you think you did wrong to make you lose fashion immunity?
DANIELLE: I really don't know, maybe I interviewed someone way back instead of way now? I don't know. It doesn't have to do with my speech is it?

NICK: It actually is the speech that was the problem, Danielle.
DANIELLE: Whaaat? Okay, next question please.
NICK: Sure, if you could form an alliance with one of the designers, who would it be?
DANIELLE: Before I knew the designers' personalities, I would've form an alliance with Iris. Now, I would probably form an alliance with Monica just because she's quiet, calm, and collective. She also designs great outfit, so if I need help, I would ask her for advice, and bam! I'm done!
NICK: If you won the 100,000 Poptropica credits, what would you do with it?

DANIELLE: Easy, my handcrafted apparel store in the San Mateo area, Dana's Wishes, is smaller than you think and my business is booming there. I would spend my money on opening up a newer, larger store in the downtown San Francisco area so many customers would be able to come in and find what they want easier without squeezing through all the crowds. And if I had a lot of leftover credits from my win, I would donate it to my friends and family.
NICK: Good causes Dana, what would you do if you lied to Iris or Kendra in the game instead of the other way around?
DANIELLE: I would definately fight fire with more fire. I would design better, not waste any time going for snacks between designing, think strategicly, and that way, I would probably win the credits.

NICK: Who do you think is the nicest designer this season?
DANIELLE: It's gonna be a tie between Monica and Nariah. Because like what I said, Monica's calm and collective. Nariah looks very shy and can easily become a likeable factor in this competition. Though, her fashion sense isn't as good as her photography skills from her magazine experience.

NICK: Do you have any regrets in the game?
DANIELLE: Probably when I still had time to work on my Japanese outfit and I finished early not knowing how much time I had left until I looked at the clock in the lockdown room. I was really disappointed that I didn't add any accessories and a real skirt.
NICK: Thanks for your answers Danielle, I hope to see you soon.
DANIELLE: You're welcome, Nick. See you soon!


  1. Wow, Danielle is so useless. All she said in that interview was "I don't care that, I don't care this, I don't care anything"! Useless!

  2. I liked Danielle until episode 2. Then, she was starting to become a little annoying with her continuous whining.

  3. I hated Danielle since the beginning, I knew something was up with that B-!-T-C-H!!! X(

    ~Kissy :*

  4. I didn't really care about her that much. I like Iris's strategy better. Even though I wasn't into Danielle's strategy in the game, I hated Kendra for blackmailing her into believing she was targeted more by Iris.

  5. Awww... I liked Danielle, she used to be my neighbor in San Mateo, CA. Then I moved to Los Gatos, CA. Didn't really like her choice of strategy though.

  6. Danielle was likeable until the second episode where she started causing damage control around the designing lair like a radioactive maniac! >:(

  7. I didn't like Danielle, she's too stupid to know even the slightest bit that's going on. That's why Tiffany called her "short attention spanned" and mean stuff like that. I bet Kendra had that feeling how it's all going to turn out. Probably that's why Kendra blackmailed Danielle into thinking she was Iris's #1 enemy.

  8. Hated Danielle, liked Kendra. Danielle needs to control her tempers just like Jennifer. I bet the next eliminated designer will also throw a complete fit. :)

  9. All I heard Danielle say in that interview was complete nonsense and cow poo. I can't believe she even got onto Fashion Fever! O.o

  10. Danielle needs to shut up! She won't get any business into Dana's Wishes that way. I just hope people see what I'm talking about. Danielle's strategy was working in the first episode 1, taping her mouth shut, but in episode 2, I think things got a little out of control. ;P

  11. Please, Danielle, calm down! It's just a game!

  12. I can't stand how Kendra blackmailed Danielle. It's just so obnoxious and greedy. I hate Kendra. Danielle was just playing the game since there were no designing stations left.

  13. If you think Danielle's design could catapult her into winning Fashion Fever, think again. A lot of the season 2 designers competing against her are better designers than her. -_-

  14. If you think Danielle could've been in the final 2, hahaha! Then you're stupid! More than 2 designers are better designers than her and you think that attitude could send you to the final 2 and win 100,000 Poptropica credits, you try it. See where you end up at.

  15. I didn't like Danielle one bit since the beginning. All her stories seem unbelievable and fake. When I heard this interview, I was about to lose my breakfast and lunch since it sounded like Danielle was still in the game and can't believe her eyes how stupid she acted.

  16. Christina Ellison28 December 2011 at 14:41

    I didn't like Kendra or Danielle at all since their descriptions and biographies were revealed on the official Facebook page. Kendra's such a b**** and her sassy modeling is getting on my nerves when I watched her strut on the Fashion Fever runway. Danielle's a psychopathic b**** as well. Her temper needs to be control as well as her attitude from episode 2. She belongs in the same classification as Jennifer. Annoying, temper tantrums, and retarded.

  17. I wish Danielle best of luck of her fashion industry business and life, don't listen to your haters. Haters are just gonna keep on hating.

  18. Cool interview Danielle! There were great answers on that question. Loved the answer from the "If you won the 100,000 Poptropica credits" one. Very generous and gracious. Wish you the best of luck for you Dana's Wishes to increase in fortune! :)

  19. Kimberly Hallstone28 December 2011 at 14:48

    I loved reading Danielle's interview. In America, we have "Good Morning America", but we don't have "Good Morning Poptropica". :P Danielle, I wish you the best of luck for your business to earn a lot of money so you can run it in the bigger city of San Francisco. ;)

  20. I can't believe Kendra did not get eliminated on episode 2! >:( I am sick and tired of her trying to annoying the fashion out of them. Please let her be out next! I would rather watch Tiffany than Kendra. At least Tiffany is more dignified and showed the entire season 2 crew that Jennifer was stupid enough to have a compulsive stress disorder. Kendra hasn't done anything worthwhile to prove herself ready to move on to the next level. Please get Kendra out instead and Danielle needs to return back into the frickin' competition!

  21. I hate how Danielle says, "Ugh!" in the competition like she doesn't care about anything that's going on around her. It's so annoying and narcissistic.

  22. I don't like Danielle. She never deserved to be on Fashion Fever. I still think Monica and Nariah had bad performances in the fashion assignment, but Monica has not seen the side of Chinatown yet and Nariah isn't in that perspective. While Danielle literally WENT to Chinatown had designed this humiliating, stupid outfit that isn't even worth judging on.

  23. i love danielle

  24. Danielle wasn't the best desighner in the planet,but not the worst,but she didn't do so well...
