Saturday 17 December 2011

PoptropicaStars's Spontaneous Sprite® Photoshoot

PoptropicaStars is happily sponsoring Sprite® in promoting the brand-new Sprite® Zero™ bottles. The new Sprite® Zero™ bottles still have the same amount of soda inside, but its decrease in carbon emissions such as the plastic made for the bottles has changed dramatically. The penguin at the bottom of the photoshoot represents the wildlife being saved from the decrease in emissions. PoptropicaStars is wearing a green one strap dress, a Hawaiian grass skirt, and lime green sprite high heels with silver fabric on the heel's edges.

1. Pale Blush

1. Fiery Red Flower Hair Clip
2. Sprite® Butterfly Wings



  1. I love Sprite and PoptropicaStars! My two favorite things in the world! PoptropicaStars looks fantastic in that sprite outfit. The high heels bring out the best of her in style and showcasing them. Again, another PoptropicaStars photoshoot pays off after all the hard work. :)

  2. I'm in love with the outfit. The shoes are decorative and original. Very PoptropicaStars-like. The grass skirt with the one-strap dress top is a very clever idea together. They bring out the shoes altogether. Definately one of the best photoshoots for Sprite I've ever seen. Better than the other singers'/celebrities' photos.

  3. OMG! I love this photoshoot, it's so gorgeous looking. The high heels are a must buy from PoptropicaStars. They look so well-handcrafted. I'm sure next year, PoptropicaStars will go above and beyond looking epicly awesome. The sprite wings and penguin are one of the cutest little details in the photoshoot.

  4. Wowie, this photoshoot really does bring out the sprite in me. It looks so fascinating. I drink Sprite once a month and I always get the bubby feeling after it. More than the 7-Up commercials. :) I think PoptropicaStars picked the right sponsorer to advertise. ;)

  5. Nicely done, PoptropicaStars. This photoshoot kicks some Jeannie Mai butt! The sprite costume looks absolutely amazing! The wings and flower clip looks sooooo cute. The dress top and grass skirt looks very original and unpredictable. I thought it would've looked terrible, but wow... PoptropicaStars proved my hypothesis wrong many ways. PoptropicaStars forever, there's no mending fences back now. Great job!

  6. Kimberly Hallstone17 December 2011 at 07:26

    Gorgeous darling, just absolutely gorgeous. The high heels look very exquisite and astounding. I wouldn't have seen any better shoes at malls or luxury-brand stores here in the U.S. The entire outfit looks hypnotic to me. So much green, and so much conservative green. Good move Sprite! :)

  7. I really love this outfit. It looks utterly adorable. I would love to buy that outfit from PoptropicaStars. The high heels, the accessories, the dress top, the grass skirt, everything! It's that amazing! :D

  8. Sweet! Another PoptropicaStars photoshoot being as successful as the others! ^_^ I really love the green high heels, it doesn't take away from the photoshoot, but it does have some great attention. Not very fond of the paling enhancer though. What's with paling enhancers when you can't see any change? :P

  9. Wow! Nicely done PoptropicaStars! You've nailed it once again! I can't wait to see more photoshoots! The high heels are amazing, the dress top and grass skirt look original and fabulous, the accessories for the photoshoot look a lot better if she only made a bracelet to go with it. :)

    ~Kissy :*

  10. This photoshoot looks perfect to be in a magazine. PoptropicaStars is not only showcasing her own handcrafted designs, she is promoting Sprite. I love these kinds of photoshoots. A big kudos and thumbs up to you!

  11. Holy crap! This is one of the best photoshoots ever that's had PoptropicaStars supporting a sponsorer. I know it's a long one, but it's worth saying after seeing it. Don't forget about the winter penguins! ;)

    The grass skirt is fabulous, better than the one in Poptropica. The high heels look so amazing, I would buy them for how much she asks for. :D Love it!

  12. Loving this photoshoot. I really can't wait for the next photoshoot to come. The high heels are the best feature in this photoshoot as well as the newly designed Sprite bottles. :D

  13. I can see through photoshoots and I can tell this is one of the best sponsorer photoshoots yet from PoptropicaStars. :) I really love the details in this photoshoot especially the cute little penguin with the big blue eyes. The grass skirt and one-strap dress top is a great pair. It can bring out the most precious apparels like the lime green high heels. In this photoshoot, I can also see numerous Sprite bottles and the slogan and logos. The "zero calories, same taste" slogan has been overused a lot, but I don't mind since PoptropicaStars didn't make it. Sprite is nasty, but I <3 the photoshoot. :D

  14. I really love the lime green high heels PoptropicaStars is sporting. They look stylish and qualitized. PoptropicaStars looks fabulous in the attire. Can't wait for more.

    P.S, I love Sprite! :D

  15. This photoshoot looks absolutely horrendous... just kidding! ^_^ I really love the high heels, they look adorable and sleak. I can tell those can be used worn to any casual party as in fashion parties, birthday parties, holiday parties, anything fancy. Formal wouldn't be my suggestion though. The ensemble looks very simple. If it was masqueraded, it would've been looking ugly and I would be going ghetto-mad. Great call! ;)

  16. I love this photoshoot, very refreshing and cool, more than the Sprite soda itself. ;) The fashionable lime green high heels look splendid on PoptropicaStars. They look like they were encrusted with love and passion. Nothing too misleading, nothing very off the topic. Fits just right. I can tell the outfit is trying to show "conservative green" than just the green color. Much more, PoptropicaStars's blonde hair and gree outfit represents Sprite so I can tell this was a perfect duet.

  17. Love the outfit. It looks like a bunch of PoptropicaStars drones worked together to make this one of a kind outfit for the real one to wear for this Sprite photoshoot. I love Sprite and Sprite is my type of soda, bubbly and not motor oil color. I still think PoptropicaStars could've improved on the dress top a little more, maybe add some sleeve edgings. That would've made the cut for the dress top. :) Everything else is just wonderful!

  18. This photoshoot is OFF THE HOOK! xD

    I really love the grass skirt, it looks much better than the one on Poptropica. PoptropicaStars really should be the official designer for Poptropica apparel. They look terrific if you ask me! :D

  19. Sprite is my favorite type of soda! Much better than Pepsi and Coca-Cola. This Sprite photoshoot looks very unique and original. I wouldn't have changed anything at all. The fact that PoptropicaStars keeps releasing new and PoptropicaStars-like photoshoots just make me want to see more! :D The high heels are my favorite as well as the penguin.

  20. Oh my god! I can't even SAY or SHARE how much I love this over-epic photoshoot. I wish Sprite could just keep this one in the Sprite archives and bring it up anytime when business is doomed eve though I don't like Sprite, I need to think of others and how they would feel. The grass skirt and accessories look fantabulous! ^_^ The high heels from my view could've done better, with a sharp edge to the tip of the shoe and the heels could've been raised a LITTLE BIT higher. ;)

  21. Nice job PopStars! :O I'M, SO FREAKING JEALOUS! I wish I could buy them from you! They would look fabulous on me too. I'm in love with those high heels, I want them to show them off at my Christmas party. The dress top looks amazing too. Everything near PoptropicaStars would look radical and fabulous, even trash bins would look fashionable! xD

  22. I really adore this photoshoot, looks pretty fun and fits both topics of Sprite logos and conservation perfectly! PoptropicaStars really overdid herself on this photoshoot! ^_^ Can't wait to see more for the spectacular New Year's Eve one! It would look so awesome! :D

  23. Sprite is one of my favorite sodas. It's so bubbly and fun to drink. The entire outfit is spontaneous. The title sure speaks for itself. The high heels are wonderfully crafted, the mini-grass skirt is enticing (as what Missy Wilson would say). And the Sprite wings would be so cute on my little daughter kazoo prodigy. :')

  24. I really love this photoshoot, very original and unique. That's what I like about PoptropicaStars. :) Her works aren't copied and always 100% her property. PoptropicaStars has really outdone this Sprite photoshoot.

    Sprite is the best drink ever! ^_^

  25. Christina Ellison17 December 2011 at 11:25

    OMG! Sprite's the best soda the United States has. Pepsi and Coca-Cola taste the same so Sprite is my choice of flavor. :)

    PoptropicaStars looks so awesome in that sprite outfit. I think the lime green high heels brings out a lot of value in the outfit, it doesn't take away from it, but it deserves a perfect amount of attention before viewing the next item in the photoshoot. :)

  26. OMG, I love this! PoptropicaStars looks so heroic in that sprite outfit even though sprites barely do anything in fairy tales. Her high heels are divine. The grass skirt is phenomenal with the sewing of the long grass. The dress top is simple, but great as well. Hope to see more really soon.

  27. Yup! "Obey Your Thirst" is still the same slogan for Sprite after years of the making. Very happy about it. I loved Sprite since I was a child... good years. PoptropicaStars looks wonderful in the sprite wing. It's very detailed and creative. The main outfit is quite fascinating. A grass skirt plus lime green high heels and a green dress top. Interesting combo PoptropicaStars got there.

  28. Just gorgeous. The outfit PoptropicaStars is wearing is supernatural and creative. I'm loving it. I just want to buy it so badly from PoptropicaStars. Please, may I please have it? I want to wear it to the Christmas party. :( It's so beautiful.

  29. Margaret Brickier17 December 2011 at 11:36

    I'm in love with the flower hair clip and lime green high heels. They are fantasticly crafted/made. PoptropicaStars never disappoints anyone with photoshoots. Not even a hater. PoptropicaStars should put her costumes and outfits in a Poptropica museum if they don't fit her anymore or have a giveaway where random Poptropica players could get the outfits she's worn.

  30. This photoshoot looks absolutely glamorous! The outfit never shows a weak spot and the accessories have great choices of color and style too. I can't wait to see what PoptropicaSars will put out for us next. ;) Good job! I hate Sprite, but I love the photoshoot.

  31. Wowza! This photoshoot is absolutely creative. I love the sprite costume. It looks just as fabulous as Sephora's luxury lipsticks and eyeshadows. I would love to buy one of those sprite wings for my sister. That will get revenge for cracking my code in a game. >:)

  32. Loving the outfit in this photoshoot. The high heels bring out the color of green in every shade on the main outfit. The accessories like the sprite wings and flower clip is so creative and original. I know everyone is saying "original", but it is. :) Great job PoptropicaStars! Keep up the "original" and unique work! :D

  33. Sprite has to be the most delectable and bubbly fizz ever in soda history. It's one of my favorite sodas. (My favorite drink would be green tea.) I love the photoshoot. PoptropicaStars has pleased everyone another time with her fabulous poses and outfit choices. The dress top has to be one of my favorite one-strap dress tops ever. The only ones I see in malls are just like "Made from India" or something. :P

  34. The penguin at the bottom of the page looks so adorable. I just wanna keep it and pet it! :D The photoshoot is great! It looks very creative, but yet, original. ;) Best sponsorer photoshoot EVER!!! Good job PoptropicaStars!

  35. OMG!!! THIS IS THE BEST PHOTOSHOOT I'VE SEEN EVER FROM SPRITE!!! XD I can't wait to see more photoshoots from PoptropicaStars! All of them are so amazing and creative! :D By the way, the lime green high heels are a must buy on my holiday shopping list for my mom, they would look so great on her feet! ^_^

  36. I'm loving this outfit right now! The high heels are a magnificent touch to the accessories and brings out the green shades and tints of the outfit. The sprite wings are cute and fancy for a little princess. I'm gonna make one for my daughter to wear to a Christmas party. She is going to love it!

  37. Turn me into a fairy next!,okay?!
