Tuesday 10 January 2012

PoptropicaStars Celebrates 2012's Arrival

In this photoshoot, PoptropicaStars is cheering for the new 2012 year by being in a simple and dark cityscape with an airplane in the background. PoptropicaStars was in New York City, NY to take this magnificent photo. PoptropicaStars is wearing a blue dress top, a sky blue skirt with pink windstripes. Surprisingly, no make-up was applied for this simple photoshoot.

1. Pink Futuristic Leggings

2. Red Poinsettia Pin


  1. Well it's about time... and I'm extremely disappointed about the outcome. -_- It's way too simple, yet, nothing is really eye-appealing in this photoshoot. Sorry, but this one is terrible. :(

  2. Not very fond of the background choice, but the outfit is fairly good. I really love the poinsettia pin, it's really cute and corresponding to the dress top.

  3. For me, this photoshoot was a completely neat freak. The cityscape isn't wild, PoptropicaStars is the only one who seems happy and the buildings in the background are depressing. The airplane also sends me bad vibes. It seems like another 9/11. :(

  4. Marie Luftzinger10 January 2012 at 14:51

    Behind PoptropicaStars, the airplane, is kinda cutely drawn, however, I don't think New Yorkers would like another airplane spinning out of control. Sorry, but this photoshoot is a complete trainwreck. I really can't imagine this being in a magazine.

  5. Not feeling the love inside this photoshoot. However, the outfit is lovely. The red poinsettia pin is cute, the dress is original and geometric. A new start with a simplistic twist.

  6. Terrible, just terrible. PoptropicaStars is happy, but it's kind of depressing just seeing the background. That's not what the New Year is about. It's about fun, laughter, excitement, romance, etc. Not about some kind of drama sitcom. The outfit choice is fair, but not too eye-appealing, as what Tamatha said.

  7. PoptropicaStars's outfit is adorable, but it's not the right time to wear it even on New Year's Eve. The mood in the background is really depressing like what some others said, and the airplane is also sending me bad vibes like what Marie and Jenna said.

  8. I bet PoptropicaStars's outfit was planned by that Gregory Mitchells photographer. I don't think PoptropicaStars would really wear that to a New Year Eve's day party... would she? :/

    Hmmm... the background... just ew. Saddening and incognito.

  9. Raquelle Trenton10 January 2012 at 14:58

    PoptropicaStars's first photoshoot of the year starts off rough, but I'm sure it'll get better in the long run. ;) PoptropicaStars will always excel, however this one is just downright dispappointing. :(

  10. I'm really disgusted of how the background is just bland and dark. New Year's Day is suppose to be happy and cheerful, not ugly and shaded. The outfit is really cute though. I really love the dress, really creative with all of those windstripes facing in a geometric pattern.

  11. PoptropicaStars looks like she's faking her happiness. It just seems like the fakest photoshoot I've ever seen without make-up. Her dress is cute, but not happy enough to satisfy the mood. The background is rough and cold and don't even get me started on that stupid airplane in the background.

  12. The photoshoot seems bland and unquenchable to the point of where it's so fascinating you want to stare at it for a straight 15 minutes. The outfit is nice though. The red flower pin seems really awesome, designed very nicely.

  13. I really don't like the background. It seems like PoptropicaStars put no effort into it. I know she meant "simple", but please, even a kindergartener would have more creativity than this. O.o

    ~Kissy :*

  14. This photoshoot is so awesome... yeah... not really. :( I really don't like the airplane in the background. It seems like the World Trade Center demolition. I don't even want to rate this as a good one, it really hurts thew survivors' feelings about it and my grandfather used to work at the WTC and he would never like this photoshoot at all. Just giving you a heads up about it.

  15. I can't really understand why PoptropicaStars would create a confusing photoshoot for what seems to be a "New Year's Eve party", it seems like the Great Depression with PoptropicaStars, the only rich girl in the world, has all the money. I really don't like the photoshoot at all. :P

  16. Kimberly Hallstone10 January 2012 at 15:10

    It seems like Gregory Mitchels messed with PoptropicaStars's photoshoot theme. >:( However, I really love the outfit. The pink windstripes are classic and original. Fancy and old-fashioned. :)

  17. I don't like this photoshoot, nothing's really upbeat about it. The photoshoot is a complete waste of time. -_- The outfit looks like some sort of moon just dropped in from space.

  18. PoptropicaStars's photoshoot is fairly offensive, but at least she tried to make it exciting and happy. The dress is amazing though! I really like the accessories and pink windstripes.

  19. PoptropicaStars is probably showing the simplest of simple. A new year, a new beginning, a new start. Maybe she's just creating a story of how an ugly little photoshoot will trun into the grand slam of them all. :) I really <3 the outfit by the way, very geometric and fun! :D

  20. Christina Ellison10 January 2012 at 15:17

    Not liking the photoshoot sorry. :( The airplane in the background is so scary, it reminds me of the WTC's collapse. D: I just don't even want to comment on the buildings in the background. (But I just did.) The outfit is cute however, love the pink leggings and dress skirt.
