Sunday 11 March 2012

Penelope's St. Patrick's Day Limited Edition Perfume Preview

Penelope Heatherson is releasing a brand, new perfume scent tomorrow in Sephora stores near you. It's called "Clover Aroma" and the smell of the glamorous perfume will contain a hint of mint, a splash of clover, and a beautiful aroma of fresh-cut grass. Be sure to check out the new perfume in stores tomorrow morning!


  1. Hmm... long time no post, huh? LOL. I really love the new perfume name. Very classy and original. I'm sure going to be standing outside in a line at Seophora.

  2. Porschea Sonata11 March 2012 at 20:31

    OMG! I can't believe a St. Patrick's Day themed perfume is going to be sold tomorrow, I can't wait to buy it! I hope it doesn't quickly sell out like the original Penelope Collection perfume set. Man, they run out faster than a cheetah. :P

  3. I'm so glad Penelope has released a new perfume, the ones I'm still using are getting kinda old and starting to stiffen. By the way, does anyone know how to unstiff perfume?

    1. Maybe try adding a few eyedrops of water inside the bottle since you can unscrew the cap off. Be sure to quickly add the water and immediately put the cap back on to not waft all of the perfume smell in one area. And I know how that smells, fuh-ew. The whole bathroom smelled banana-strawberry-like, what an awkward scent for a more "delicate" place, lol.

  4. I'm just loving the description of the new perfume, I really can't wait to buy it in stores tomorrow afternoon. :)

  5. Wow! What an amazing combination of natural greens. It sounds amazing, let's just all hope it'll smell as amazing! ^_^

  6. Loving the description of the perfume, it sounds so creative and fascinating I might as well just pre-order it on Sephora at 6:00 A.M. so I can... PICK IT UP ON THE WAY THERE... ;).

  7. That sounds like an amazing perfume to wear to work on Saint Patrick's Day so I know I won't get poked, what a great idea Penelope, thanks. ^_^

  8. I can't wait to buy the new perfume, aaahhh!!! I'm so going to spray the perfume everywhere in the house so I can have my St. Patty's Day party where everyone wears green and if they don't, they don't get poked, they get egged! XD

  9. Oh yeah, and do you know how I can pre-order my cosmetics on Sephora as well as the perfume? Please and thanks. ;D

    ~Kissy :*

  10. Excellent idea Penelope! Even though I think putting a "hint of mint" in the perfume is a really bad idea, I think the scent will still rock your roof up! ;) But I don't know if I should buy it or not. :P

  11. Definitely buying this perfume at Sephora tomorrow. I can't wait to try on the new aroma of Clover Aroma!!! Thanks Penelope! :D
