Wednesday 18 July 2012

Fashion Fever Season 2 Promotional Poster

This was the alternate promotional poster sponsoring season 2. In this poster, the season 2 motto, "They're designing around the world" literally took place at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport).

Each designer is representing a specific word relating to being a great fashion designer and "wore the word". (For example, Nariah received the word, "Balance". She is also wearing an Indian sari with balanced hues and balancing a carry-on with a basket on her head.)

DESIGNERS' WORDS (from left - right):
Kendra Whitler- "Flair"
Monica Johnson- "Beauty"
Heidi Armeda- "Style"
Iris Lawson- "Originality"
Jennifer Crowsey- "Color Scheme"
Nariah Enjares- "Balance"
Tiffany Careeta- "Spunky"
Danielle Tarenses- "Creativity"

Sunday 8 July 2012

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S2 Interviews: Tiffany's Elimination

Tiffany Careeta, the 21-year old watch saleswoman from Las Vegas, Nevada was eliminated by a single strategic vote from Kendra and two other votes from Heidi and Monica believing she was a bigger threat to be reckoned with. She left the lair and packed her bags, but not without a verbal fight with Kendra and revealing who she really is in the game. She was then relocated to the fabulous elimination villa in Malibu, California at 9:55 A.M. where Jennifer and Danielle were completely shocked to see her walk in the doors because she dominated the first two fashion assignments. They both welcomed Tiffany into the house with a special after-the-show friendship bracelet they made from dried grass and plastic jewelry beads. Tiffany apologized to Jennifer about the fight on the first night of elimination. Jennifer forgave her and they both hugged. She placed in the episode 3 DVD and they all sat around a luxury beige sofa where they watched her demise from the game with a cheese platter and cherry amaretto cocktails. After the episode was over, Danielle commented, "I do not like Kendra one bit after she targeted Iris twice. It's just so demoralizing to Iris just hearing her talk. I just don't understand why Kendra wants to use Iris as a target instead of anyone else in the game." They got a gift basket the next day filled with designing goodies and a note telling them to look outside the front door.

Tiffany received a surprise phone call from her mom, Mallory Careeta, and boyfriend, Dan, both telling her she's proud of her even though she was eliminated from the competition. They wished her good luck and a take care cheer from her home to the villa.

Before Tiffany arrived at the elimination villa, she needed to get ready for her interview with Nick Burley, the host of Good Morning Poptropica. The interview started at 7:25 and Nick asked these questions during the interview.

NICK: Good Morning Tiffany, how are you doing?
TIFFANY: Nice, I'm doing great!
NICK: Okay, I'm going to ask you a series of questions and you'll need to answer them as honestly as you can. Ready?
TIFFANY: Ready, sounds fun!

NICK: First question, what were your thoughts about Kendra when you left the designing lair?
TIFFANY: I sure had some beef with her when I was leaving the lair, haha. When I was packing up my bags, I thought about why Kendra would vote me off. It came to me that Kendra probably only wanted to get further in the game by eliminating the strongest designer in the final 6 and that was me. By eliminating me, Kendra might think she might be able to win fashion immunity easier when I'm gone.

NICK: What would you have changed in your pirate outfit to win fashion immunity for the third time in a row?
TIFFANY: Maybe I could have sassed up the top a little to make it look more pirate-like and maybe wrinkles would have made out the feeling of a pirate on my outfit. Not every design is perfect and not every chance you take succeeds in an award. Sometimes you just have to let a new person be the star.

NICK: Are you going to apologize to Jennifer from your other elimination fight?
TIFFANY: Definitely! Bickering is part of the game of Fashion Fever. It's not a game of "Oh, let's be fake and respectful to one another, blah blah blah,". And since I'm now outside of the game, I'm ready to forgive and forget about that fight.

NICK: You have won two fashion immunities and both of them came with a prize, are you going to enjoy them after the winner of season 2 has been announced?
TIFFANY: The Cancun vacation and the new car, yes. I'm actually going to give the new car to my mom because she is a very caring mother and I want to pay her back by giving her my second prize. My boyfriend and I are obviously going to treat ourselves to Cancun after the reunion party and I can't wait.
NICK: What would you have done with the 100,000 Poptropica credits if you've won?
TIFFANY: Oh my goodness! I would've bought my boyfriend a diamond ring, a nicer house, and helped out my single mom more with that dough. It's great to win the money, but it's amazing to just have the experience on Fashion Fever.

NICK: Who is your favorite designer this season and why?
TIFFANY: My favorite designer... hmm... would probably be Iris. She is a wonderful mother, a sweetheart, and in it to win it unlike some other moms from reality television shows where they just show them cooking food and cleaning crap out of the bathroom. She is strategic, soulful, and has sass in her lovely designs. She has definitely proved that moms can handle almost anything tossed at them. Loved Iris!
NICK: Do you have any regrets in the game?
TIFFANY: Not at the moment. I'm happy as how far I've gone because if I didn't win fashion immunity in the first fashion assignment, I probably would be eliminated back in the first night because of the Jen fight.

NICK: Well, it's nice to have you here Tiffany. We loved to have you here, thank you.
TIFFANY: Thanks Nick, it's nice to meet you, bye!

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Who Wore The American Flag Better?

Happy Independence Day everyone! We're hoping everyone will be able to stay as warm as possible in California, especially Los Angeles, due to the ridiculously chilly temperatures outdoors. However, we're not here to discuss about the cold climates, we're here to discuss the new interactive we've made for all you future fashionistas! What is your opinion on who wore the American flag top better... Katy Perry or PoptropicaStars?

Tuesday 3 July 2012

A Happy Independence Day From PoptropicaStars

PoptropicaStars starred in this spectacular photoshoot with cool confidence and delight not only because July 4 is the day when we celebrate the United States and Poptropica's independence from Britain, but she has also designed a red, white, and blue outfit of her own to wear for tomorrow's July 4th festivities. Her outfit is completed consisting a marvelous United States flag cotton top with a right sleeve attachment, a blue miniskirt, and red high heels with white touches around the perimeter of the leather.

1. Cotton Candy Pink Lipstick

2. Paling Enhancer

1. "Independence Day Headband"

2. "Independence Day Bracelet" (with faux rose petal decor)
3. Hot Pink Leggings
ACTRESS ALERT: At the far left (jealous face), you can see Doreen Ajakobi, the young lady who plays Nicole Garett, from The Rose Chamber On Emerald Street on DMNP (Drama Network Poptropica).