Wednesday 4 July 2012

Who Wore The American Flag Better?

Happy Independence Day everyone! We're hoping everyone will be able to stay as warm as possible in California, especially Los Angeles, due to the ridiculously chilly temperatures outdoors. However, we're not here to discuss about the cold climates, we're here to discuss the new interactive we've made for all you future fashionistas! What is your opinion on who wore the American flag top better... Katy Perry or PoptropicaStars?


  1. PoptropicaStars definitely!

  2. Monet Millagow4 July 2012 at 05:45

    Uhhh... I think PoptropicaStars. Katy Perry looks too pale in that outfit. If her hair was back to her "California Gurls" music video-self, I would have to go with the other way around.

  3. Allison Luskie4 July 2012 at 05:47

    POPTROPICASTARS! She even is wearing more creative apparel for today. ;)

  4. Brittany Menos4 July 2012 at 05:49

    PoptropicaStars scored a bunch of points. Katy looks awful in it. XP The only thing that excites me in her side is the Part Of Me 3D documentary logo. :P

  5. poptropicastar's looks awsome!!!!!!!!!! and,poptropicastars did u have a poptropicastar's july fashion?

  6. I think both look good. Hey its a tough choice!

  7. Obviously PoptropicaStars!

  8. Porschea Sonata6 July 2012 at 08:48

    PoptropicaStars, her outfit is very stunning and gorgeous. It's better than Katy's.

  9. Wow!until I read i didn't even know that was Katy Perry!!!Oh and I choose Poptropica Stars.PEACE

  10. I wrote this morning?OK,these girls are both great but Katy's is like a sleeve.PotropicaStars wore it like my shirt I have right now. my vote: PoptropicaStars.

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