Thursday 11 October 2012

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S2 Interviews: Kendra's Elimination

Kendra Whitler, the 19-year old runway model from San Diego, California was eliminated by an intense, 3-2 voting conclusion. The main reason of her departure was because of her dangerous social confusion and false accusations towards some other designers in-game and out. Although she placed fifth out of eighth this season, she remains one of the most strategic players to participate in PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever. After packing and leaving in a comfortable state of mind, she was relocated to the elimination villa in Malibu, California at 9:12 A.M. where Jennifer, Danielle, and Tiffany were shocked in disbelief and disgust. Kendra genuinely hugged all the villa residents which Danielle found awkward. Kendra asked everyone if they wanted to see her demise on video. The other designers agreed and all sat down at the luxury beige sofa sipping morning cappuccinos with low-fat milk and eating chocolate chip cookies. After the viewing party, Danielle confronted Kendra about lying to her during her "burn book night" and framing Iris with the tale. Kendra explained if she was able to get Iris on the block against herself, she would sway ahead of the Gucci Girls and eliminate Heidi. Danielle found that answer vague and felt more disgusted about her. Later that night, the residents received a special trip to an exotic surf & turf restaurant at the Santa Monica Pier where they enjoyed barbecued shrimp, onion rings, mashed potatoes, sparkling wine, and a tribal fire baton show.

After getting back to the villa, Kendra received a surprise phone call from her fiancee, Eric Rouzvelte. Eric tells Kendra to enjoy the best moments in sequester and don't let the game haunt her head. He explains to her they will have a fabulous wedding no matter what happens.

Before Kendra arrived at the elimination villa, she had to prepare for her interview with Nick Burley, the host of Good Morning Poptropica. The interview started at 7:25 and Nick asked these questions during the interview.

NICK: Good morning Kendra, we know it's been quite an adventure, so how are you doing?
KENDRA: I'm doing fine, Nick. It's been a rollercoaster ride.

NICK: Okay, I'm going to ask you a series of Fashion Fever and personal related questions and you have to answer them as honestly as you can. Ready?
KENDRA: I'm ready. Let's go!
NICK: First question, what were your thoughts when PoptropicaStars revealed the final tallies of the votes?
KENDRA: I was pretty shocked, but not because I was eliminated. I knew I would've been eliminated even if I talked to Nariah and Iris, but hey, why not try a trick shot at least. It was startling when either Nariah or Iris wanted to keep me and kick Heidi out. I was amazed how one lecture can take you places.

NICK: When you made your Bollywood outfit, what was in your mind of winning that fashion assignment?
KENDRA: You know what, I was attempting to put a little twist in the Bollywood theme by making my design look more gothic European than spiritual colors so the judges will think of the creative aspect I put into my outfit. I took that risk, but apparently the risk did not pay off as well as I hoped it would.
NICK: Here's a tougher question, why did you constantly lie to some designers to control what happens in the game?
 No thinking necessary. I needed to lie to Danielle first so I could show Tiffany everyone trusted in her to get rid of the leftovers and to let Iris know she was "crazy". Next, I was targeting Tiffany because I needed her gone to win fashion immunities. I remembered the alliance I agreed to join and it was about time to quit from... in my say, "the pseudo-alliance"... and backstab Tiffany to leapfrog ahead of her. Next I was onto Heidi so I would have a greater chance at winning immunity, but apparently, Nariah and Iris have their own game to be played and I got the boot instead.
NICK: Wow, sweet answer! Next question, who do you think voted for your stay in the game during your final night in the designing lair?
KENDRA: Mm... it might have been Iris because she did talk to me about keeping me, but that was a pretty stupid idea to address. Umm... Nariah might have been swayed to my side, but I don't see that happening. I don't know, was it... Iris?
NICK: You'll have to find out for yourself, Kendra. How would you have reacted if the mime from the Bollywood assignment had ruined your outfit?
KENDRA: Oh.. my.. gosh! I do not want to see that mime ever again in my life especially at my wedding with Eric.. Love you Eric, if you're watching! I would have been cursing, screaming, maybe even throw in a few fingernail scratches at that mime if he destroyed my designs. I hope he's not in the room right now...

NICK: Hahaha, I would compliment you on your body formation right now. You're really fit and healthy. What was your favorite meal in the show?
KENDRA: Thank you and the food was just epic and delicious! One of my favorite meals was after Jen's elimination and the chef's do-it-yourself table had quinoa salad with asparagus and grated mozzarella cheese. It was rich with flavor and thickness. I need to get that recipe, it's super delicious!
NICK: We're running out of time so who is your favorite designer in the game right now and do you have any regrets?
KENDRA: Okay. My favorite designer in the game is Heidi because she is a good competitor, she designs strong outfits, and she delivers her designs with class. And no, I do not own any regrets. What happened should have happened and I'm not taking any more bullets in my head.

NICK: It was very nice to interview and meet you, Kendra. I hope you have a great day.
KENDRA: Thank you so much, Nick. You too! It was such a pleasure to meet you.


  1. I'm glad Kendra is out of the lair, but now it's going to be so boring without her. :( Even though I hate her, she deserves to have a second chance in an all-stars season.

  2. I'm really sad Kendra is eliminated because she was the main focus of drama in this season. I'm not a big fan of her because she masquerades the truth behind people and she was just an emotional roller coaster, but she was way better than Nariah who just sat there and wins a random immunity. Iris I like, but Nariah, no!

    1. Sure she had most of the action,but don't you just want to crush her in like a little ball,then kick her off the field?

  3. Yes! I'm so excited that Kendra is out because she just wants to rip my hair out every time I see her lying to people, mentionably Iris. Iris didn't do anything to her so why did she target her? If you think she made the best game decisions, would you want someone innocent as Iris on the mention table once every episode? That's major BS right there. No one likes a designer who makes up crap for other people to hear.

  4. I hope Kendra gets another chance in an all-stars season cuz she IS AN EPIC STRATEGIST! No one needs to argue, she was just so DAMN GOOD!!!!! I was about to cry when Kendra was getting eliminated. Screw U Heidi and Monica! You've got nothing against Kendra!!! >:O

  5. Kimberly Hallstone11 October 2012 at 17:14

    Nooooo..... one of the most interesting and smartest game players in Fashion Fever has been eliminated. :( I guess it was time for her to go anyway. She was just another leftover to the Gucci Girls.

    Go Iris! :D Do it for the moms of the world!

  6. I was really impressed how Kendra handled the situation during her elimination. I inferred she was going to break down and cry on the floor. Instead, she just smiled and wished everyone luck. That's why I like her. She's sneaky and wise when she needs to be, but really genuine and truce when the game is over. :) Good job Kendra!

    Go Iris and #M0N!C@ !!! :D

    1. Yeah,she took the hatred well,but she is a MEAN...LITTLE...LIER

  7. I'm relieved that Kendra is finally out of the fashion designing lair! She was a clueless designer and is better off modeling in slutty clothes, big bras, and vanity anyway. -_- I can't wait for next episode without Kendra lying to anybody! :D lol

  8. Woah, woah, woah! Kendra said she constantly lied to everyone so she could get ahead? Or was that just for greed and obnoxiousness? She "confronted" Danielle about her safety net being gone in the game, but when it came down to votes, there were already enough votes to get rid of her. So why did she have to rub it in her face and make her believe Iris was the main target? Too many questions so vague answers. :P Sorry, but Kendra is not making any sense to me.

  9. I hate you Kendra! And as you said in your final voting, "Miss You Not!" >:D Bahahaha!!! xD

    (I am not SpongeBob! >:( I am...)

    ~Kissy :*

  10. I loved this episode! The MESSY MIME, the BOLLYWOOD EXTRAVAGANZA, the CONFRONTATIONS, the DRAMA...!!! So much to take in and <3

    PoptropicaStars rocks and so does Fashion Fever!!! <3 <3 <3 :)

  11. Hola! ;D Support me into getting into season 3 of Fashion Fever. Please?

    Kendra was just a mean b!tch this season and played emotionally instead of strength-wise. Her downfall this season would certainly be her revealing her cards way too early in the game like in... the second episode. That's way too early for someone to be a b!tch that fast, but as we all know, Jen also made the same mistake. I'm hoping Kendra qualifies for an all-stars season because she is a certain all-star for creating confusion and drama to everyone in the game.

  12. Christina Ellison11 October 2012 at 17:49

    Yes yes yes! x) Kendra is out of the lair! She was a pain in the butt since day 1.

    1. Well,I really did like Kendra on the first episode,but when she 'made' the alliance with Tiffany,I was like "Uh uh!Nope,miss you not,Kendra!"

  13. I'm very happy for her marriage to Eric (I hope he's a wonderful husband), but her attitude towards Tiffany while she left the lair was just a complete idiot move. I'm glad she was eliminated and not stylish Heidi. I'd rather have Heidi in the game than her.

    Go Iris! :D

    1. Haha,doesn't everyone feel that way, Geena?

  14. What a fabulous episode, PoptropicaStars! You have overachieved once again. I'm in love with Fashion Fever so much, it's way better than Project Runway and Big Brother! The mime was a complete success, the outfit judging was fair and more serious, and the confrontations during the voting decision hour was very tenseful especially when the creepy music started playing. Nariah and Iris have a wonderful mother/daughter-like love towards each other. This is what friendship is all about. No smack talking like Tiffany or the original Gucci Girls and no bickering and whining like Jennifer, Danielle, and Kendra.

  15. Kendra was a complete and utter mess this season! Her designs were sweet and creative, but her gameplay was super vague and nauseous (as in terrible). Why would she have rubbed her finale in Danielle's face instead of keeping it to herself? She already had enough votes against her anyway. Why would she have ditched Tiffany? If she had kept Tiffany, she would've look as much of a threat. :/ Kendra was a terrible strategist. I take things personally if you argue with me so you better not. >:(

  16. I didn't understand why Kendra had to rub Danielle's elimination in front of her by lying to her. It doesn't make her feel better to know she is not safe, it makes you feel better because you are a selfish, heartless, b!tc#y arse, h0e! Kendra, if you're reading this, don't take this personally, take this as advice and learn from it. You'll have better luck in life and in your modeling career if you not become this annoying rat.

  17. Carolina Foddick11 October 2012 at 18:08

    PoptropicaStars amazes us once again with a brand new episode part of Fashion Fever! ^_^ Episode 4 has been a masterpiece. It's one of the best episodes... EVER! The mime was really unique and funny, the Bollywood was soulful, and the decisions were really down to the last thread on this one. I'm cheering on Heidi and Iris for the total win this season. ;)

  18. Kendra could not be outspoken this season. She convinced Danielle that Heidi and Iris were targeting her, Tiffany believed basically everything Kendra said, and Nariah fell for her trap to, but Iris just could not take the offer at all. She deserves to win the best social confusion prize of the century. lol x)

  19. Kendra was very unique this season, in a good way. But her strategy was pure blah. I really liked how she designed her Bollywood outfit to make it more twisted and the judges should be able to see that. Apparently, they don't like twists to outfits and goes for more "appropriate" designs. :P

  20. I hate how Kendra had to be called out by Tiffany to admit she was the traitor of the season. It's really narcistic if you ask me. Kendra's design were rather cool and refreshed, but her strategizing was just dumb.

  21. If I was Kendra, I would have a million regrets *most of Tiffany* I don't know why she doesn't have any.

    1. It's sad T is gone,but you know,she had a good run...but not good enough!

    2. I'm so glad Kendra is gone.She was so annoying.But she had the action in the show.

  22. Awww.... Kendra was one of my favorite season 2 designers. Not only could she design very well, she was the only girl this season who has actually done some major changes in the gameplay. Sad she got eliminated. :(

    1. But you have to admit-she was really annoying.Yet,she was sneaky and played the game well.
