Saturday 20 October 2012

The Haunted House

PoptropicaStars was driven by limousine to Rancho Santa Rosa Historic Area near Temecula, California for another "Autumn Flavor" photoshoot depicting the second picture plot of the fall season. Scenes and settings were pre-built in the historic area and the building team waited until nighttime for the photoshooting to begin. In the "story", after the long hike through the mystical meadows, PoptropicaStars finds it nightfall and sees a creepy haunted house. While she thinks about if she should enter the house to find warmth or stay away from evil spirits among the mysterious graves, she decides it was better to be warmer than staying in the cold all night long.

Her main focus of apparel this photoshoot is about "twilight night" colors. She is wearing a dark blue mini-dress with wrap-around sewing techniques and dark brown mid-calf high heel boots. The mini-dress is simple, yet vaguely bringing out the background and foreground. However, the boots do create a more suspenseful and mysterious vibe to the picture.

1. Sandy Tan Eyeshadow

2. Black Mascara

1. Skull Necklace

2. Black Mini-Handbag


  1. The haunted house looks really spooky, I would congratulate the set builders for that. ;) PoptropicaStars looks amazing as usual. The blue wrap minidress looks very comfortable and it looks like something Jennifer Hudson would wear as well. :D

  2. I really love this photoshoot, but my only concern is PoptropicaStars's pose towards the haunted house. It looks like she's in awe or in startled mode or forgot something on her way to the house. :P But besides that minor flaw, I love the dress! It's very beautiful and twilight-themed.

  3. I <3 everything in this photo shoot. The haunted house looks very spooky and PoptropicaStars looks very scared, lol. x) The outfit looks very comfy to wear and I'm surprised that someone can actually pull off the "twilight" theme without bringing up Kristen Stewart, Ashton Kutcher, or Robert Pattinson... lololol xD.

    ~Kissy :*

  4. PoptropicaStars looks very shocked about the night. :O Anyways... I really love the mini dress she chose to wore in this photoshoot. The poster didn't have to criticize about it; the dress is gorgeous and brought out the theme nicely. :)

  5. <3 The dress looks super fancy and it definitely does not look like you could buy it at a regular city mall. The heels look super duper cute, they bring out the foreground like it's NOT dirt. :D PoptropicaStars RULES THE WORLD OF FASHION 4EVER!!!!

  6. I really like PoptropicaStars's facial expression to the house, but like what Meggan said on the second comment, the pose does look very confusing despite the fact a lot of possibilities could have occurred before or during her priceless shockness. :) (lol) The dress is elegant and it looks like something PoptropicaStars would wear to an award ceremony. The heels, I don't really like that as much, but they are still very cool to look at. Haha! :)

  7. Oh my gawsch! The haunted house looks very well-structured and I would love to buy that mini dress somewhere online, it looks like it could fit my perplexion and body image well. Too bad, I can't really see which kind of handbag brand PoptropicaStars is holding or else I would've just bought it online. :(

  8. Yay! A nice photoshoot of magnificent PoptropicaStars instead of annoying Fashion Fever news! :D No offense to Fashion Fever, I still love the show very much, but it's irritating to hear about it almost on every post.

    The dress is superb! I really like the haunted house, how did the set crew build it? :)

  9. PoptropicaStars pulled off that "twilight night" catchphrase victoriously without having people first think about Kristin Stewart and Robert Pattinson. Nice job! ;) She deserves more props for that along with her nicely designed outfit. The high heel boots look amazing on her!

  10. Yes, another PoptropicaStars photoshoot bringing a positive feedback! :) The mini dress DOES look like something Jennifer Hudson would wear to an award show or something... who'd ever thought... By the way, the high heel boots are very neat, although I think the shoelaces gotta go.

  11. PoptropicaStars pulls off another great photoshoot once again. Hip hip hooray! I am loving her outfit. The mini dress certainly is one of the best wrap substitution dresses I've seen... EVER!

  12. PoptropicaStars is the only fashionista to say "twilight" and not bring up anything retarded relating to the movie or books. She deserves the gratitude, respect, and generosity from true fans of her. Loving the fabulous dress's dark blue colors and high heels' creativity.

  13. PoptropicaStars's dress is a masterpiece for Halloween. I'm going to dress as her for Halloween. ;D

  14. Hey! I thought I was! But whatever, I just love PoptropicaStars's photoshoot this time around. They're very detailed and fashionable. I would love to buy those high heel boots at a mall of some sort.

  15. The handbag looks like it's a Seville brand... not sure though because of the smallness in the image... The dress is pretty and dark! Keeping it short, I don't feel like typing today.

  16. The entire outfit looks like something you see in a high-budget movie. PoptropicaStars really knows how to eye for detail in a photoshoot and fashion. Don't mess with the host of Fashion Fever! :O The dress is super cute.

  17. Marie Luftzinger20 October 2012 at 12:55

    I LOVE THE DRESS! The mini dress is very modern and emotional. Just the color of it makes the photoshoot look so surreal and full of movement. PoptropicaStars is pulling off these photoshoots like there is no tomorrow. :D Nice job!

  18. Again, PoptropicaStars has overachieved and created a heaven of a masterpiece. The photoshoot is very emotional and full of dark and mysterious feelings. The postee is wrong about criticizing this magnificent photoshoot calling it "...vaguely bringing out the background and foreground." I believe the mini dress actually did a perfect job at keeping the colors and mood inact with the background especially the well-constructed haunted house. The high heels boots, I would buy them for $200 if I had the chance. The shoelaces are really unique and I love being different than everyone else. The accessory and make-up choices are on target especially the black handbag. Best photoshoot yet! OVERACHIEVE EVERY DAY POPTROPICASTARS!

    1. Raquelle Trenton20 October 2012 at 13:10

      You do realize that this is a fashion clothing line which you can buy at Sterling Heights and online, right? :P

    2. Yes, but I'm just mentioning that if I could have a chance at paying $200 for those high heel boots than the retail price at Sterling Heights for $179.99 per pair, I would do that. No joke. They're THAT good. ;)

  19. Raquelle Trenton20 October 2012 at 13:09

    PoptropicaStars's outfits are topping off the fall season than any other brand out there. I can't wait for the third photoshoot, it's gotta be really grand if you know she's improving every Autumn Flavor shoot. :)

  20. PoptropicaStars's handbag is my favorite of the outfit so far. It's very detailed and even fits well with any environment whether it's camping, in the city, countryside, or under a highway, lol. xD

  21. I love the haunted house. I just went to one near my town yesterday night and I almost peed my skirt.. lololol!!! xD

    PoptropicaStars has done it again! She always knocks our stanky socks off everytime with a photoshoot. Gotta <3 her classy outfits.

  22. The handbag she is carrying on her arm is very pretty. I really want to buy it, but I can't waste my money right now because of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas preparations. Ugh! -_-

    1. Emily You Were Epic in season 1 :3

  23. Hey guys this is the OFFICIAL Emily Ray From Season 1 in PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever. I think this looks nice but needs more effort in the shoes. The dress looks lovely by the way.
    From the heart of Emily Ray

    1. I loved you on season 1! You were funky (in a good way), funny, and genuine. Glad you stopped by. :)

    2. Such an honor to reply to Emily's post. I can't forget the time you won fashion immunity on the very first episode. Cheers! But honestly, you weren't my favorite anymore after you didn't even want to do an outfit on episode 2 (stars & stripes). :P

  24. I love you Emily Ray <3

  25. This photoshoot is epic! I loved every part of it. The haunted house looks super spooky and I want to go through there without getting scarred for life. LOL <3 I love the cute dress, it's very stylish and yet ferocious. :) The high heels.... I just don't like the laces. It would've been better if you just not added them.
