Wednesday 14 January 2015

Nominate Your Loved One!

Sweepstakes co-sponsored by Queequeg's Coffeehouse
The day is here! Time to nominate your Poptropican loved one or friend to win a shot at winning a 15-minute shopping spree at the two select stores of your choice... possibly with your nominee too! Here are all the contest details:
Shopping Spree Bonanza Contest Rules
To cast an appropriate entry into the sweepstakes, you must provide your legal first and last name, or profile via LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad, or AIM for AOL users in the "Name" section of this post's comment area. Inside the comment box, answer the following description requirements in a downward arrangement to nominate the Poptropican of  your choice.
  • Nominee's full name; not Poptropica-given nickname [example: "Scary Flyer"]
  • Nominee's age (nominee must be 15 yrs. or older)
  • Nominee's hometown (must be resident of either Poptropican islet territory, Mainland Poptropica, the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, or New Zealand)
  • Nominee's primary occupation
  • Your relationship to the nominee
  • Nominee's interesting or unique background
  • Nominee's favorite hobbies
  • The most fascinating activity your nominee has done
  • Nominee's list of volunteer work completed
  • In your honest and kind opinion, how would you artistically describe your nominee's fashion style?
A photo will be required to be sent via e-mail to showing the physical aspect of your nominated Poptropican. A snapshot or picture from the Avatar Studio's blue background is accepted. The photo must be at least 150 x 225 pixels in size, text-free, unaltered in photo quality (no difference in light gradients, reversed in hue, pixelation, or upside-down pictures) and contain the nominee's name somewhere in the e-mail description. However, changes in apparel, cosmetics, hair, and lips are accepted. Only matching descriptions and photos before 8:01 P.M. Pacific Time Zone on January 20, 2015 will be successfully entered into the contest. Later entries will not be accepted.

If you and your nominee advance onto "Sweepstakes Grounds" presented on Saturday afternoon, January 31, 2015, come in contact with missions to be announced to earn the grand prize of a springtime shopping spree and $20 Queequeg's Coffeehouse gift card for each winning player! However, it is very important to check back frequently as possible for sweepstakes tasks because live feeds are not available.
Sweepstakes co-sponsored by the Poptropican division of Target Corporation.


  1. I nominate: Linda Angelique Simone
    Nominee age: 24
    Nominee hometown: Atlanta, GA, USA
    Nominee occupation: Commercial merchandise sales
    Relation to nominee: Sister
    Nominee background: Linda along with me are homegrown in Atlanta. She was born with a vision of 0/20, meaning Linda was blind in the left eye before having surgery to get it fixed up. She is a frequent shopper, always going to the mall and getting her hands on everything that's on extreme sales. She always puts family first before anything, giving up Super Bowl tickets once to take care of our ill mother who had undergone chemo at that time. Linda never lets me down and always cheers me up even on the darkest hours of being isolated in college.
    Nominee hobbies: Listening to hood music, dancing, e-sharing, shopping,
    Nominee's most fascinating activity: Professional mirror modeling in dressing rooms, ROFL
    Nominee volunteer work: Clothing donations for underprivileged kids, planting trees at a new park in the neighborhood, and retirement home gifts on Christmas.
    Nominee's fashion style: Linda is a casual sophisticate. She dresses herself in print t-shirts and skinny jeans on the weekends, but gets serious about fashion with blue and black blouses, blazers, and long-sleeve pants.

  2. Nominee: Sidney Michaels
    Nominee's age: 25
    Nominee's hometown: Pomona, California
    Nominee's occupation: Organic chemist
    Nominee's relationship to me: Best friend since elementary school
    Nominee's background: Sidney isn't only a friend indulged in reading words on paper and obsessed with science experiments; she is a dazzling, gorgeous pal who loves to hang out with everyone and chats it up with personal girl talk outside of her fortress of solitude. Even though in high school when we went our separate ways, we eventually recollected after graduation and became closer friends. She is the type of girl who you can count on to come to your every birthday party, wedding, and New Year's celebration. I would know because she did - every year. I am very grateful to have her as my BFF.
    Nominee's hobbies: Soccer, watching comedy movies, inner tubing, Go Fish, chemistry experiments, hairdressing, and suntanning
    Nominee's most fascinating activity: Creeping everyone out in elementary school by showing off her ambidextrous handwriting.
    Nominee's volunteer work: Building restoration for a retirement community, reading to toddlers with their parents at the local library
    Nominee's fashion style: She dresses somewhat nondescript. Not much of her clothes make a bold fashion statement, but Sidney doesn't care. Perhaps lack of theme is a positive thing. Not even I dress "PoptropicaStars-coordinately".

    Thanks PoptropicaStars for doing this contest. The blog needed some spice and you brought it. :)

  3. Nominee: Jessica "Crazy Horse" Jensen
    Nominee's age: 15
    Nominee's hometown: Shrink Ray Island
    Nominee's occupation: Student, duh
    Relationship to nominee: Friend
    Nominee's background: Jessica was born in Poptropica on Early Poptropica Island inside a crate because her parents left her when she was a baby and she was adopted by new parents. She went to school on Shrink Ray Island with science glass genius C.J. and professional Poptropica football league player Jeremy "Tall Cheetah" Davis. She later became class president of my high school which then we became surprisingly great friends (because I was vice president by default, lolol). She always goes to the candy store to buy sweets for us and we hang out at the park after every school day to discuss how much we hate the d-bag guys, history class, and our strict homeroom teacher that also plays annoying Kidz Bop songs. But we do talk about how much we love art, P.E., our fun English teacher who makes us laugh everyday, fashion, video games, and our loving pets.
    Nominee's hobbies: Poptropica trips, drawing, dodgeball, duct taping other student's mouths, playing the flute and walking her dog
    Nominee's most fascinating activity: Riding a bike through the neighborhood shouting, "Free at last!" :D
    Nominee's volunteer work: Helping me with my homework!
    Nominee's fashion style: She wears a lot of bright colors like red, yellow, green, and pink almost like a stop light. Her fashion style is very bold in hue compared to everyone else.

  4. Gabriella Martinez
    Shark Tooth Island
    Student / Best friend
    Gabriella and I have been traveling the Poptropica world since I was in elementary school from hanging out at the Soda Pop Shop to riding coach on an antique train to the Chicago World's Fair (and saving a valuable possession from being stolen). Gabriella is super competitive and athletic. In fact, she competed in the 2011 Poptropica Olympics where she won gold medals in the javelin toss and shot put, proving her aggressive amount of strength. But back home living in a luxury hut in Shark Tooth Island, she is a genuine and caring girl who can solve any problem thrown at her. She is a critical thinker and has solved so many sudoku and speed word search games. But better yet, she is a fanta-bulous friend that will always have a spot in my childhood heart.
    Nominee's hobbies: Traveling, puzzle-solving, poetry, hanging out with friends at the billiards bar drinking lemonade root beer, working out, and track & field
    Nominee's most fascinating activity: Running the 800-meter dash in the freezing cold weather setting a time of 2 minutes and 20 seconds
    Nominee's volunteering: TV studio fundraiser, volunteer track coach, saving people from disaster AKA disaster relief
    Nominee's fashion style: She wears a lot of Nike, Adidas, and Lululemon Athletica apparel considering she is a very sports-driven girl. She deserves a 15-minute shopping spree.

  5. Laura Sorenti (My daughter)
    Lexington, Kentucky
    I call Laura the most wonderful angel the world has ever seen. She is always helping others in need, reading books and educational Internet articles. She would always go to Poptropica as a joyful resort after showing compassion towards everyone. She plays softball on a citywide organization and is an expert artist. Laura is like a Poptropican in my eyes, always looking for an adventure and owns astonishing amount of charisma to brighten anyone's day. I have created a Poptropican as a symbol of her heroic self and astonishing amount of charisma.
    Nominee's hobbies: Softball, shopping, making new friends, harvesting fruit from my backyard garden, NFL game nights, singing along to the radio, money collecting
    Nominee's most fascinating activity: She competes in the watermelon seed spitting contest at the Lexington fairgrounds during the fall season.
    Nominee's volunteer work: Donating blood, cleaning a laundromat without being told
    Nominee's fashion style: Each day is different about her fashion style. One day she is wearing capri shorts and a t-shirt or spaghetti straps, the next is when the sportswear comes out, and the day after that is a fancier ensemble.

    By the way, I love this blog. The colors are really vibrant and functional. First time commenter/sweepstakes contestant, long-time visitor. I feel younger for a 40-year old looking at PoptropicaStars's updates and her reality competition show!

  6. Kimberly Hallstone17 January 2015 at 12:17

    Catie Goldsmith
    San Jose, California
    Best Friend
    Catie is an exuberant individual, an uplifting figure, and is the professional face of both her home photography business and law office. She is a solemn woman while at work, but is the casual, outgoing girl-friend that I enjoyed catching up with back in high school. Although we are best friends, we don't see each other frequently. The distance away from her is approximately a two-day drive, but we still pay each other visits via the landline.
    Nominee's hobbies: Photography, kayaking, wedding ops, hiking, and trying to break weird world records.
    Nominee's most fascinating activity: Ziplining in the Grand Canyon
    Nominee's volunteer work: Donation, donation, donations; you name it, she has donated. (Hyperbole)
    Nominee's fashion style: She dresses in modest casual clothing on the weekends, even sandal-laced pumps during the winter, and businesswear when she goes to work.

  7. Sammi Alexis Aikens17 January 2015 at 16:41

    Doreen Wolf
    Shrink Ray Island
    High school student
    Best friend
    I think Doreen is inspiring, quirky and has got the right attitude to be herself! She was born cross-eyed so her parents had her pupils fixed up by an eye doctor on Spy Island, but the disorders didn't stop there. Then came a time when she was diagnosed with dyslexia, but plowed through that mental challenge by passing with A's and high B's in all her middle school classes. She never gave up and that's what I love about her. Her unintentional quirk is how we became best friends, always being a little sassy with a side of serious, the perfect balance of attitude and matureness. We always arranged hangouts in many different places, even at Doreen's boyfriend's cousin's house which is more awkward than it sounds because we didn't even know the boyfriend-cousin's name. In conclusion, Doreen will always be my best Poptropican friend no matter the circumstances. :)
    Nominee's hobbies: Traveling the world of Poptropica, painting pictures, baking homemade cupcakes, watching Cartoon Network, meeting positive people
    Nominee's most fascinating activity: Singing a "I Will Always Love You"/"I Knew You Were Trouble" Whitney Houston + Taylor Swift medley in the school talent show that received a standing ovation
    Nominee's volunteer work: 2nd floor apartment trash emptier, signing people up for theater memberships at the convention center with her mom
    Nominee's fashion style: Doreen wears whatever she wants. None of her clothes precisely match and her accessories are opulent, but something about her outfit just puts it all together.

  8. Chanelle Harrison
    Atlantic City, NJ
    Hotel manager
    Sister from another mister
    Chanelle and I have the greatest friendship in existence! Chanelle is witty, cooky, and is a well-rounded girl. She owns two dogs adopted from an animal shelter, her pit bull is named Truffle and her golden retriever is named Butter. She is the go-to girl whenever you are in dire emergency for make-up, pens, notepads, basically anything to help carry on your day. She is also a really good home cook, replicating high-end restaurant dishes for half the price. She deserves her own cooking show if I must say. And last but not least, she is a fabulous adept fashion designer.
    Nominee's hobbies: Cooking, make-up, fashion shopping & designing, playing poker, dancing, singing Christian gospel, smartphone games, and exploration
    Nominee's most fascinating activity: Star-gazing into the night sky on quiet nights
    Nominee's volunteer work: Animal shelter gift-giving, Christmas hope knitting for the underprivileged
    Nominee's fashion style: She is hip, young, and '010 fresh with a splash of psychedelic luxury despite the materials she uses to design with are surprisingly cheap/affordable.

  9. Absidee Marano
    Night Watch Island
    Fashion consultant
    Friend and my consultant
    Absidee not only is unique in name, she is a one-of-a-kind shopping extraordinaire! She has lived in Poptropica for about five years and has served my fashion instincts for three. Yet, she connects with me like we are twins since birth. She is an environmentalist, driving a Chevy hybrid, shopping with her personally knit grocery bag, and using a thermos every place she travels instead of buying disposable bottles. Even though she is inside a financial tunnel at the moment, she always puts others' requests first no matter the size of help. This shows how much of a respectable Poptropican citizen she is and how big of a heart she has. In conclusion, I'd like to pay it forward to her.
    Nominee's hobbies: Fashion shows, shopping, knitting, sampling perfumes at the mall, carnivals, listening to all sorts of music, and biking
    Nominee's most fascinating activity: Modeling flawlessly at the 2012 Poptropica's Thanksgiving Eve Fashion Show in Adeline Pines
    Nominee's volunteer work: Planting trees at a park, donating to the Salvation Army and Goodwill, assisting hospital patients during Valentine's Day, and braving the elements of a volunteer firefighter
    Nominee's fashion style: Futuristic-modern chic, sometimes a little retro... not a huge make-up Poptropican, but still applies lip gloss.
