Saturday 31 January 2015

Sweepstakes Grounds

Thanks to everyone who applied in the Shopping Spree Bonanza sweepstakes two weeks ago. And a gigantic congratulations goes out to the nine finalists/nominees who have advanced to the contender dugout, all of whom are fair game to win the shopping spree and two $20 Queequeg's Coffee & Tea gift cards provided on my discretion and featured sponsors (Queequeg's Coffeehouse, Madelyn's Closet, Target Corporation, and Banana Republic). Below is the official sweepstakes nominee roster.
Sweepstakes roster in alphabetical order by nominee

  • Absidee Marano, friend and fellow fashion consultant of nominator Porschea Sonata
  • Catie Goldsmith, best friend of nominator Kimberly Hallstone
  • Chanelle Harrison, stepsister of nominator Brittany Menos
  • Doreen Wolf, best friend of nominator Sammi Alexis Aikens
  • Gabriella Martinez, best friend of nominator Liana Williams
  • Jessica Jensen, friend of nominator Crystal Klark
  • Laura Sorenti, daughter of nominator Renee Sorenti
  • Linda Simone, sister of nominator Julie Simone
  • Sidney Michaels, childhood best friend of nominator Brooke Edmonton
Now's not the time for an achievement party yet! The sweepstakes is still in progress. Calling all nominators, here is your first task. Considering the fact you have nominated one of your loved ones, find out more about their creative preferences, skills, and talents that they would not mind sharing. This may be a tough shell to pull someone out of, but you may learn undiscovered wonders in the process. However, nominee idiosyncrasies and interests must be sent in to the sweepstakes e-mail address before 12:01 A.M. on February 7, 2015 in order for the information to tally. Attributes given should be posted within the week after the above due date.

Good luck finding social treasure troves!