Friday 31 December 2010

Popularity Contest: "Popularity Girl" Week 2

Enlarge image by clicking on the image.
Happy New Year's Eve everyone! PoptropicaStars had a wonderful year and I hope everyone did too, but now let's see who is nominated for elimination.
From the votes from the public, the tallies read up that NADIA and KIMBERLY have been nominated for elimination. All the other contestants are safe from elimination.
Blue = safe from elimination
Orange = nominated for elimination
Vote for who you want eliminated from the contest on the polls in the sidebar.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Popularity Contest: "Popularity Girl" Week 1

Enlarge image by clicking on the image.
PoptropicaStars organized a contest in which you and the public can vote who will be nominated for elimination and who will be eliminated. It's a popularity contest to see which girl can become "The Queen of Popularity". Some may escape elimination, some may escape nomination of being eliminated, and 7 will be eliminated. Every week, there will be instructions at the bottom of the image and it will show what you need to do like nominations and eliminations. You and the public will vote to whom to nominate or eliminate. Pick who to nominate for elimination this week if you can't read it.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Winter 2010-2011 Pop Fashion Magazine Sweepstakes

More than 100 submissions have been sent to the Pop Fashion Magazine sweepstakes organizer, Roger Hampton. He finally chose 5 out of the hundreds which were Gevana Mildhausen, Krystal Roya, Katie Campbell, Lauren Wesley, and Michelle Glotszky. Vote for who to win at the side bar. POLLS WILL CLOSE ON January 3, 2011. The winner of the contest/sweepstakes will win a cover page spot for a month's Pop Fashion Magazine and a tour around the world, the places the winner will travel to are France, Germany, The United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

Get voting!!!

Thursday 16 December 2010

The Heart Couture Photoshoot

This photoshoot was for the Heart Couture clothing store. Penelope Heatherson models in black & pink mini dress, a pink & black belt, a purple back bow, pink tight stockings, an expensive fiber crystal headband, and a gold peace necklace. She also has on black eyeliner and mascara, pink lipstick, and rose pink cheek make-up.

These articles of clothing can be purchased at your local Poptropica's Heart Couture in:
San Miranda, Fashion District, Port Domingo, Brookesville, San Bernardino, Santa Pamela, Ellisburg, Hollow Wood, Malin, any city said in the advertisement.

Thursday 9 December 2010

The "Fa La La" in Poptropica

Penelope Heatherson was taken a snapshot of in an artificial green wreath leaves headband and dress set, rose petal red lipstick, pink make-up blush, and black eyeliner. Her picture was put in a cut-out and made into a simple collage and placed on a Christmas scenery of a fireplace, Christmas tree, two stockings and a red and white wall.
The photograph who took the snapshot was Patricia Walker, the photo was later posted on Phototown Poptropica. Many Poptropicans were shocked of Penelope's apparel because they have never seen Penelope dress so Lady Gaga like. Poptropicans followed Patricia Walker and many others stole the same exact picture that Patricia took and posted it on his or her Phototown Poptropica album. Penelope Heatherson gets so much attention on YouTube, the blog, TV, but she will not likely come outside for a while because of fans. She will hire a butler to do her grocery shopping, clothing shopping, and recycling for her. She still makes her own apparels, but she will stick to Lady Gaga style outfits for a while.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Reality TV Island Walkthrough/Challenges and Review

If you are still trying to solve Reality TV Island, here's the website that will lead you to the walkthrough.


The second part is on my channel, find it and you will have the full walkthrough with the challenges. Here's my review for Reality TV Island.

"Reality TV Island is the weakest island I've played on Poptropica by far. The concept of the game doesn't make any sense. Bucky Lucas being the first one eliminated in season one of Reality TV being famous doesn't make any sense. In real life, the first person eliminated most likely won't be remembered. The names of the contestants should be changed. I don't think the creators thought of any good names or people. They just stuck with the stupid names like Bob,
Betty, and Rickie. I would've thought of names like Claire, Marisa, and Shantel. The style of the contestants are too strict and think about their life and about their arrogancy. Having to deal with these characters that think nothing about others, drama, or even the game are boring. Plus, they use the same characters over and over and other island characters like Director D, Dr. Hare, Ned Noodlehead, Betty Jetty, are frustrating. This island is rated 1.5 stars." ~PoptropicaStars