Tuesday 21 December 2010

Winter 2010-2011 Pop Fashion Magazine Sweepstakes

More than 100 submissions have been sent to the Pop Fashion Magazine sweepstakes organizer, Roger Hampton. He finally chose 5 out of the hundreds which were Gevana Mildhausen, Krystal Roya, Katie Campbell, Lauren Wesley, and Michelle Glotszky. Vote for who to win at the side bar. POLLS WILL CLOSE ON January 3, 2011. The winner of the contest/sweepstakes will win a cover page spot for a month's Pop Fashion Magazine and a tour around the world, the places the winner will travel to are France, Germany, The United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

Get voting!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think Krystal, Gevana, Michelle deserve to get a vote. Krystal's tennis raquet and pose shows energy with the sport and that classy smile. Michelle has a party feeling to the photoshoot and her pose is amazing. Her outfit choice responds well with her facial expression. Gevana was okay, she has modelly sexy, but what I see is a bit of the other way of sexy. Lauren is not doing anything, but just standing there. Katie's outfit choice is not the right idea flowing to my mind, Katie's face is great and all, but the outfit needs flourishing.

  3. Oh my f***ing god, all of these girls are sooooooo hot. :D

  4. I think Gevana has a really cute outfit. The white hat really matches the wings, and it really brings out the hair. Plus, it is a super cute pose. Michelle has an adorable outfit and she is in a party mood. The blue tie is the emphasis, because it is the first thing you look at. It's a brilliant pose too. Katie doesn't look gothic, but it seems that she is wearing too dark of clothing, and the sun glasses just took it overboard. It has too dark of a tint, although the pose if perfect. Lauren Wesley is much like a business woman, which is fine, but it looks a little bit boring, mainly because it is all elegant and fancy, and she has a phone at a fancy restaurant. I automatically thought "work" when I saw her and it bored me. Krystal Roya has a brilliant outfit with a brilliant pose, but I don't appreciate the bangs and the hair. They are too big and it looks quite messy, but perhaps with another side bang it would be much better.
    I think Michelle Glotszky is the best, because that's the perfect pose, and if she can do that one, think of the other poses that she can do!

  5. Whoever's winning is not going to Cambodia??? That kinda sucks. :( But anyways, congrats to whoever wins! :)

  6. Gevana's outfit choice was good, but not great. Her outfit looks preppy, a little too revealing, but looks like something you would see in a Poptropica Playboy magazine. Her facial expression is okay and the pink hair creates a gothic twist to the picture. The butterfly wings are unneccassary. Krystal's facial expression makes the mood of the picture look exciting and gorgeous. Her outfit choice, not so much, but I do like the sporty feeling to the photo. Katie's outfit fits in the "business" class of the airplane. Katie looks like she takes her work seriously and making a good business photo. The make-up for Katie's photo is good. Her outfit choice has a lot of shades of blue. Lauren's photo looks dull because the photo is taken in a quiet environment, but I do like the outfit choice. Corresponds to the same idea as Katie's photo. Michelle's photo is probably the best photo of the group because her facial expression is joyful and happy. The dress she is wearing is gothic, partyish, and a little bit of the best of both worlds.
