Sunday 5 December 2010

Reality TV Island Walkthrough/Challenges and Review

If you are still trying to solve Reality TV Island, here's the website that will lead you to the walkthrough.


The second part is on my channel, find it and you will have the full walkthrough with the challenges. Here's my review for Reality TV Island.

"Reality TV Island is the weakest island I've played on Poptropica by far. The concept of the game doesn't make any sense. Bucky Lucas being the first one eliminated in season one of Reality TV being famous doesn't make any sense. In real life, the first person eliminated most likely won't be remembered. The names of the contestants should be changed. I don't think the creators thought of any good names or people. They just stuck with the stupid names like Bob,
Betty, and Rickie. I would've thought of names like Claire, Marisa, and Shantel. The style of the contestants are too strict and think about their life and about their arrogancy. Having to deal with these characters that think nothing about others, drama, or even the game are boring. Plus, they use the same characters over and over and other island characters like Director D, Dr. Hare, Ned Noodlehead, Betty Jetty, are frustrating. This island is rated 1.5 stars." ~PoptropicaStars

1 comment:

  1. I don't completely agree with you. I think that the character's names were SUPPOSED to be funny. Not like they just picked it randomly. I don't like how they used other characters from islands either.
    I do get really frustrated when a glitch happens, or I lose for no reason though.
