Saturday 12 February 2011

Popularity Contest: "Popularity Girl" Week 8

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It's week 8 of "Popularity Girl" and two people have been nominated for elimination. The tallies have been counted and Nadia and Monica have been nominated by the public. This is Nadia's second nomination, will she pull it off again? This is Monica's first nomination, will she survive next week? Let's see what they have to say about this.
NADIA: I know this is my second nomination, but I really appreciate attending this fabulous popularity contest. "Popularity Girl" will make me more standing out than being in the cave. Hope you keep me in, public.
MONICA: I am nominated because I got the unlucky question dealing with this contest and the other contestants got other questions not dealing with popularity. I don't think the questions and answering were fair because you had to answer smartly. I answered the popularity question, smartly, but the other contestants got other qyuestions not dealing with popularity. I'm begging you, don't eliminate me out because of this unlucky situation.
Now that you've heard from the two nominees, it's time to vote, vote based on these speeches. The nominee who has the most votes will be eliminated from the contest.

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