Saturday 1 October 2011

PoptropicaStars's Money Ladder Appearance

PoptropicaStars was a guest star on Money Ladder this Friday afternoon to play for a good cause. During the show, she stated, "...all the money earned by me will be donated to the 'Healthy Hearts' charity to raise awareness of giving homeless children healthy food for a healthy life,". She made it to the $500,000 question, but failed to correctly answer this question, "What are two crops that were grown in South Carolina in the 1750s?".

The answers for the question above were:
A) Corn & Rice
B) Potatoes & Wheat
C) Tomatoes & Cacao
D) Beans & Peppers

PoptropicaStars chose B) as a final answer, but the true answer for this question was A). Her donation of $250,000 to the "Healthy Hearts" charity program was transacted this morning at about 8:00 A.M. As you can see, PoptropicaStars is a great example of a caring, generous TV personality star.


  1. Oh my god, that was an easy question! Wheat can't grow in the southern region! PoptropicaStars is stupid!

  2. @RyanBrooks

    Really Ryan? Really? You think THAT is easy. I live in Nevada and I don't even know what cacao is.

  3. @RyanBrooks

    Are you seriously that strict about questions and answers? Why don't you try answering those tough questions on Money Ladder? Let's see how you fail.

  4. I'm so happy for PoptropicaStars to donate money for a great cause. Just like any other TV star, they'll donate it to anything. :)

    ~Kissy :*

  5. PoptropicaStars looks better without make-up, why try hiding her real face when the raw talent is a glamorous, natural, silky, smooth face.

    So glad she's donating money for the homeless. Great cause. ;)

  6. @RyanBrooks

    Hey! Don't be mean to PoptropicaStars! Never say that ever again or I'm blocking you! >:O

  7. I think this question is just useless, it was rigged to get PoptropicaStars out of the game. I wanted her to win the million dollars to help more.

  8. Christina Ellison1 October 2011 at 10:29

    I don't watch Money Ladder since it's a Who Wants To Be A Millionaire ripoff, but I'm glad PoptropicaStars got to donate the money to charity and not keep it for herself and Nathan.

  9. It's a great thing to see her without make-up on, but I'm disappointed in her for now figuring out the veggies in the here southern parts of the U.S. :(

  10. PoptropicaStars without make-up is just glamorous. She looks a LOT better without her usual eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick.

    I'm sad she didn't get to the million dollar question. :(

  11. Poor PoptropicaStars. She didn't make it to the 1 million dollar question. -_- At least the Healthy Hearts program gets $250,000 to help the hungry and homeless! :D

  12. I watched Money Ladder this Friday and I was surprised PoptropicaStars showed up. I'm happy she got her wish of donating money to the poor coming true.

  13. Yay! :D PoptropicaStars won $250,000! I really don't like watching Money Ladder agreeing with Christina Ellison's recent comment.

  14. Travis Frankfort1 October 2011 at 11:07

    Money Ladder is a stupid game show, but sure is great having PoptropicaStars on a show to spruce things up.

  15. I watch Money Ladder once a week, I can't believe I missed that episode! >:( I feel retarded now!

    I feel really blessed PoptropicaStars donated all that money to charity instead of keeping it all for herself like a snob. That's why Los Angeles is the home of real stars like her. ^_^

  16. Can't wait to see a rerun of this on GSN. Money Ladder is one of my favorite game shows, but I don't love it as much as Fashion Fever! :D

  17. PoptropicaStars looks amazing without make-up. She's almost about perfect like a baby's smooth skin. How does she do it??? And how is the answer A? Thought it was B as well.

  18. @PeterPrague

    B isn't correct since wheat can dry out quickly.

  19. I want to try out for Money Ladder one day. I will WIN if it's the last thing I do! It's very shocking that PoptropicaStars made it to the third round of questions.

  20. PoptropicaStars could've figure that question out? Did she use up all her lifelines? If she didn't, then that's just pathetic.

  21. I thought the answer was C) since cacao is from the southern side and tomatoes are also grown in South Carolina.

    I LIVE in South Carolina so don't give me that "shut up and I don't care" face.

  22. Sure, I think almost everyone here could've gotten that question wrong as well as me. I would've thought it was B) too since rice is grown in marshes and I didn't think they were grown in S. Carolina. Money Ladder should cut down the lifelines to phone a friend and 75/100.

  23. PoptropicaStars is really funky, natural, and beautiful. She's the perfect TV material girl. She's gonna be on air for a long, long time. Glad she's donating money to the hungry and homeless. $250,000 is a lot of dineros.

  24. WOAH!! Are you sure PoptropicaStars won $250,000. I thought it was $100,000.

  25. Do you think PoptropicaStars should go on Jeopardy! instead? Money Ladder is a Who Wants To Become A Millionaire rip-off. :P

  26. I really like Money Ladder, it's very neat and fantastic. I think it's a better version of Who Wants To Become A Millionaire. That Meredith lady was getting boring anyway.

  27. Kind of disappointed she walked away with a $250,000 check in her hand. I wanted her to have more help with $1,000,000 to donate to the "Healthy Hearts" program.

  28. Marie Luftzinger1 October 2011 at 11:35

    PoptropicaStars's 3rd question, "Which songwriter made a big debut after a long hiatus?" was pretty easy. She should'nt have used that annoying 50/50 lifeline.
