Saturday 5 March 2011

Popularity Contest: "Popularity Girl" Week 11

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It's week 11 of "Popularity Girl" and the elimination voting has been closed. By a vote of 4:5, Rachel, the sous chef, has been eliminated from the contest. Now, 3 competitors remain, time to vote who to nominate for elimination. Only one competitor will be able to be safe and join in the final 2. This week, we have asked Megan, Jaime, and Monica what game did they played and enjoyed when they were a kid. Here are what the final 3 said:
MEGAN: My favorite game when I was little would be Double Dutch. The game includes two long jump ropes, and you jump over the two jump ropes perfectly over constantly and rhythmic. Double Dutch helps you sustain balance, rhythm, and agility.
JAIME: The game that I enjoyed the most would be Red Rover. I used to love that game when I was little. It's a group game so the whole group has to cooperate in order to succeed and win. One person will run towards connecting hands and try to break the connection and if they do succeed, those two are out and the person that charged through will be back in. This game was fun until someone choked during that game, so the game stopped from there.
MONICA: My favorite game would be hopscotch because you get to show your balancing act skills, coordination, and steadiness. You throw a piece of chalk, pebble, or any small, unbreakable, blunt item onto a hopscotch square and you jump all the way to the number that it stops on, go back, grab the item when you reach the number where the thing stopped at and hop back. Sometimes we play it timed to see how much speed you put in the game.
Looks like everyone has heard what game they liked to play when they were little. Now, decide on who to vote for to be nominated for elimination based on the quality of the answer. Get voting!

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