Saturday 29 January 2011

Popularity Contest: "Popularity Girl" Week 6

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It's week 6 of "Popularity Girl" and the votes are casted. The two nominees for elimination based on public voting are Amy and Jaime. Both were surprised when they found out they were nominated for elimination. Let's see what Amy and Jaime said when they found out they were nominated for elimination.
AMY: "I am so annoyed how many people voted for me even though my song choice would be Only Girl (In The World) by Rihanna. I thought many people would like that song including me, but the song choice probably was the turn. I did get the most votes, so I hope the voters would change their votes."
JAIME: "I am completely in shock right now. Why do people even bother voting for me, there are five other competitors in this contest and they chose me for nomination. My song choice is an amazing song, but why do people even bother choosing me against all these other competitors. For example, Nadia chose a Shakira song, many people don't even know Shakira. "Dynamite" by Taio Cruz is great because it has a party theme. I don't understand people with no happy moods. Please change your votes to Amy."
Who do you want eliminated from this game, make a decision based on these speeches, and vote now!

Saturday 22 January 2011

Popularity Contest: "Popularity Girl" Week 5

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It's week 5 of "Popularity Girl" and the votes were 4:9 with Megan and Shanna on the block. The votes have been tallied up and the sushi loving model, Shanna, will be leaving "Popularity Girl". Now, you need to vote for which person you want nominated for elimination! Choose wisely by listening to the remaining 6 competitors' speeches about their favorite song:
MEGAN: The favorite song for me would be "Rocketeer" by Far East Movement because the music is nice and smooth and has a feeling of a party too.
AMY: My favorite song would be "Only Girl (In The World)" by Rihanna. It's really catchy and fun to listen to. The song taught me to be self-related and her voice in that song is amazing
NADIA: My favorite song is Shakira's "Waka Waka" because the song features the African culture voice and Shakira's happiness in that song. It was also used in the FIFA World Cup.
RACHEL: My favorite song? Ugh, it's gotta be "Single Ladies" by Beyonce because it's an easy to dance to song and hilariously scripted dance routine in the music video.
JAIME: My favorite song is "Dynamite" by Taio Cruz. The beginning sequence get me all excited and spirited. It makes me want to dance off the walls and spin around in circles all excited making me do my victory dance.
MONICA: The song I like the best would be Katy Perry's "Firework". The song describes to express yourself and let out all your worries and just be happy you are still living. The song really teaches you something. One of the best Katy Perry songs written.
Now you have listened to all the competitors' favorite songs, vote for who you think should be nominated for elimination based on their favorite song explanation.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Poptropica's 3rd Annual Writing Contest WINNER

This was a public contest to all Poptropica residents. More than 40 writing entries were submitted from all over Poptropica and the famous writers, Becky Syms, Ron Jasmik, and Lynda Dule were judging the contest. Being very professional, they all narrowed it down to the the finalist. The winner is Sylvia Triloni! This reader and self-writer worked very hard on the entry. She interviewed the judges and said the entry took 3 weeks to finish. Including brainstorming, rough drafting, and editing the entry. It was definately worth the effort. Her entry title was "Nature Naturally".
Click on the image to enlarge the image.

Sunday 16 January 2011

"Kamilla's" Make-Up Designs

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Penelope Heatherson bought some "Kamilla's" make-up and thought to make some designs to show to the public how to put make-up on and how to make it look professional.

SIMPLY COMPLEX: It is a little complex, but not really hard. Just get the "Kamilla's" lime green eyeshadow, dab the eyeshadow on the skin above your eye. Make it like a semi-circle and don't overdo the eyeshadow. Next, get your "Kamilla's" ocean breeze blue mascara and just carefully make narrow light marks on your eyelashes going upwards. Then, have the "Kamilla's" cherry pink lipstick and just carefully oval around your lips as you usually do. See, it's a simple complex idea.

GOLD N' GOTHIC: This one is a little trickier than Simply Complex. Get your "Kamilla's" faded purple eyeshadow and dab it carefully like the Simply Complex method. It's okay if you overdo the eyeshadowing because it's going to be gothic anyway. Next, take your "Kamilla's" plum purple eyeliner and trace the lower part of the eyeshadow carefully. Then, take your "Kamilla's" regular purple mascara and put your purple mascara on tracing the eyelashes gently. After that, grab your "Kamilla's" golden yellow lipstick and put on your lipstick normally. Last, get your "Kamilla's" purple lipstick and on the more pointier side, gently trace around the edge of the golden lipstick with the purple lipstick. It's heavy make-up, but it's worth it for club parties.

AQUA PEARLS: This one is just different tints of blue. First, get your "Kamilla's" regular blue eyeshadow and do the same dabbing method as in Simply Complex. Next, grab your "Kamilla's" ocean breeze blue mascara and trace your eyelashes carefully with your mascara brush. Then, get your ocean breeze blue lipstick and put on the lipstick normally. This design will look hard, but it's easy.

CLUB DANCER SPECTACULAR: This is one of the hardest ones to do if you really want to have Ke$ha make up. Get your "Kamilla's" green eyeshadow and do the same method as in Simply Complex. Second, get your "Kamilla's" dark blue eyeshadow and dab it carefully diagonally starting from the middle of the green eyeshadow to the bottom part. Next, get your "Kamilla's" ocean breeze blue mascara and also do the same method as Simply Complex. Then, get your "Kamilla's" light blue blush and with the "Kamilla's" narrow brush, dab the blush with the narrow brush around the area of the bottom part of the eyes. Last, get your cherry pink lipstick and put on lipstick normally. You're done and off to the party and everybody will be shocked in awe with this make-up style.

Don't forget to squint your eyes and look at the mirror for putting on make-up. It's really important to know that first before putting on make-up.

"Kamilla's" make-up retail prices:

  • Mascara --- $9.99
  • Eyeliner --- $8.89
  • Luxury brand lipstick --- $5.99
  • Blemishes & Blush pack --- $8.39
  • Complete Kamilla pack w/ tips & tricks handbook & DVD--- $49.99

*Retail prices and more merchandise at the "Kamilla's" website.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Popularity Contest: "Popularity Girl" Week 4

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It's week 4 of "Popularity Girl" and the votes have been public votes have been tallied up. Megan and Shanna raked up a lot of public votes for nomination, probably their speeches caused the problem. This is why they stand on the chopping block this week. One of them will be eliminated at the end of this week, but it's the public that will vote who is going home "unpopular". You and the public votes who will be going home, MEGAN or SHANNA. They both have been terrific contestants, but now one of them has to leave. Here are their elimination speeches:
MEGAN: If you keep me here, I won't disappoint you. I know my speech didn't go so well, but please, keep me in the popularity contest. If I am kept, I will work even harder to stay in the game.
SHANNA: If you keep me longer here, I will do my best to pull off some tasks. My friends and family are waiting for me to win this and they would be really disappointed if I don't. I will also work harder to win this game.
Vote for who you want to be eliminated and not be the "Popularity Girl"!
BLUE = safe
ORANGE = nominated for elimination
RED = eliminated

Friday 7 January 2011

Popularity Contest: "Popularity Girl" Week 3

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It's week 3 of the "Popularity Girl" contest and as you can see, Kimberly has been eliminated from the popularity contest by a 4:7 vote. I really feel bad for Kimberly being eliminated first, but the public has spoken and it wasn't my choice for her elimination. This week, there are 7 girls remaining. Megan, Amy, Shanna, Nadia, Rachel, Jaime, and Monica have all made it to the final 7. This time, it's not about their likes. It's about their imaginative speeches like in beauty pageant contests. Here are their speeches:
MEGAN: "I would really want to win this so badly to show I am more popular than some people in my college and have a fun time."
AMY: "I am worthy of winning because for my time. New fashion is nothing compared to this. You will need old-fashioned brains and brawns to win this popularity contest."
SHANNA: "You know, being a model, it shows courage and strong appeal, I want to be here to show other girls how it's done and for them to win a contest similar to this."
NADIA: "It doesn't matter if you are beautiful outside, it matters what's in the inside. Your heart, feelings, friendliness, and trust. This is called a popularity contest, not a beauty contest."
RACHEL: "People around the world thinks they don't have what it takes to become popular. I'm a chef and I sometimes get salt and sugar mixed up or even tarragon and rosemary. Everyone makes mistakes or failures, but you can fix them. It's somewhat like being popular."
JAIME: "I have been popular in my high school years, but being popularity is like crossing to the twilight zone in cases.This popularity contest is getting intense and I'm ready to ignite the contest with a formerly popular girl."
MONICA: "For people that are willing to take risks, I would recommend to stop and think. Is that a right decision to make? Risks are on the edge of a cliff and taking risks may lead to some danger. Voting for me to be nominated for elimination is a risk, so please stop and think about it. Do you want me to be nominated? If so, why, for a very good reason."
Looks like the 7 remaining contestants have spoken and many of them are talking about the game. This game has gotten harder and more harder decisions to come. Please listen to the speeches though before you vote. After that, pick who to nominate for elimination this week.
Blue = safe
Red = eliminated

Monday 3 January 2011

Winter 2010-2011 Pop Fashion Magazine Sweepstakes Winner

The public has voted and the votes have been tallied up. The winner of the Winter Pop Fashion Magazine Sweepstakes is.....
19 year old, Michelle Glotszky from Goleta, California wins the front page cover spot of Pop Fashion Magazine. She will be in the February 2011 issue of Pop Fashion Magazine. Don't forget Michelle has also won the trip around the world to France, Germany, The United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Then she will return back to California, but in West Hollywood for a Pop Fashion Magazine contract for modeling for the winter season covers for 5 years. Congratulations Michelle!

Sunday 2 January 2011

The New 2011 Subaru Forester (PoptropicaStars Photoshoot)

This new Subaru model is only available in the Poptropica area's Subaru dealerships. Shipments of the vehicles' parts are shipped from Japan and the car is manufactured here in Poptropica in the city of Mountainside. In this 5 seated SUV, there are side curtain airbags with the standard frontal airbags, surround sound, more than 500 cubic centimeters of cargo space, and it's fuel efficient. The 2011 Subaru Forester stores 40 miles per gallon on the highway.
OPTIONAL FEATURES: GPS Navigation system, XM Poptropica Radio, Massaging seats, Built-in electronic phone, Voice-recognizable dashboard system, Hybrid*
*Hybrid 2011 Subaru Foresters are available only in the Poptropica area's Subaru dealerships.