Saturday 15 January 2011

Popularity Contest: "Popularity Girl" Week 4

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It's week 4 of "Popularity Girl" and the votes have been public votes have been tallied up. Megan and Shanna raked up a lot of public votes for nomination, probably their speeches caused the problem. This is why they stand on the chopping block this week. One of them will be eliminated at the end of this week, but it's the public that will vote who is going home "unpopular". You and the public votes who will be going home, MEGAN or SHANNA. They both have been terrific contestants, but now one of them has to leave. Here are their elimination speeches:
MEGAN: If you keep me here, I won't disappoint you. I know my speech didn't go so well, but please, keep me in the popularity contest. If I am kept, I will work even harder to stay in the game.
SHANNA: If you keep me longer here, I will do my best to pull off some tasks. My friends and family are waiting for me to win this and they would be really disappointed if I don't. I will also work harder to win this game.
Vote for who you want to be eliminated and not be the "Popularity Girl"!
BLUE = safe
ORANGE = nominated for elimination
RED = eliminated

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