Sunday 16 January 2011

"Kamilla's" Make-Up Designs

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Penelope Heatherson bought some "Kamilla's" make-up and thought to make some designs to show to the public how to put make-up on and how to make it look professional.

SIMPLY COMPLEX: It is a little complex, but not really hard. Just get the "Kamilla's" lime green eyeshadow, dab the eyeshadow on the skin above your eye. Make it like a semi-circle and don't overdo the eyeshadow. Next, get your "Kamilla's" ocean breeze blue mascara and just carefully make narrow light marks on your eyelashes going upwards. Then, have the "Kamilla's" cherry pink lipstick and just carefully oval around your lips as you usually do. See, it's a simple complex idea.

GOLD N' GOTHIC: This one is a little trickier than Simply Complex. Get your "Kamilla's" faded purple eyeshadow and dab it carefully like the Simply Complex method. It's okay if you overdo the eyeshadowing because it's going to be gothic anyway. Next, take your "Kamilla's" plum purple eyeliner and trace the lower part of the eyeshadow carefully. Then, take your "Kamilla's" regular purple mascara and put your purple mascara on tracing the eyelashes gently. After that, grab your "Kamilla's" golden yellow lipstick and put on your lipstick normally. Last, get your "Kamilla's" purple lipstick and on the more pointier side, gently trace around the edge of the golden lipstick with the purple lipstick. It's heavy make-up, but it's worth it for club parties.

AQUA PEARLS: This one is just different tints of blue. First, get your "Kamilla's" regular blue eyeshadow and do the same dabbing method as in Simply Complex. Next, grab your "Kamilla's" ocean breeze blue mascara and trace your eyelashes carefully with your mascara brush. Then, get your ocean breeze blue lipstick and put on the lipstick normally. This design will look hard, but it's easy.

CLUB DANCER SPECTACULAR: This is one of the hardest ones to do if you really want to have Ke$ha make up. Get your "Kamilla's" green eyeshadow and do the same method as in Simply Complex. Second, get your "Kamilla's" dark blue eyeshadow and dab it carefully diagonally starting from the middle of the green eyeshadow to the bottom part. Next, get your "Kamilla's" ocean breeze blue mascara and also do the same method as Simply Complex. Then, get your "Kamilla's" light blue blush and with the "Kamilla's" narrow brush, dab the blush with the narrow brush around the area of the bottom part of the eyes. Last, get your cherry pink lipstick and put on lipstick normally. You're done and off to the party and everybody will be shocked in awe with this make-up style.

Don't forget to squint your eyes and look at the mirror for putting on make-up. It's really important to know that first before putting on make-up.

"Kamilla's" make-up retail prices:

  • Mascara --- $9.99
  • Eyeliner --- $8.89
  • Luxury brand lipstick --- $5.99
  • Blemishes & Blush pack --- $8.39
  • Complete Kamilla pack w/ tips & tricks handbook & DVD--- $49.99

*Retail prices and more merchandise at the "Kamilla's" website.


  1. Cool. I'll have to put some on Angie Camer! Thanks for the marvelous designs and tips.

  2. Thanks for the make up tips. I am going to try the Simply Complex one first, then the Aqua Pearls one because it says in the Aqua Pearls instructions to put eyeshadowing the same way as the Simply Complex. Looks hard. :/
