Monday 17 December 2012

The 12 Days of Christmas Challenge (Day 4)

Day 3 of The 12 Days of Christmas Challenge has officially closed its entry doors and PoptropicaStars has chosen 9 participants who submitted picture entries for "three french hen", "two turtles doves", and a "partridge in a pear tree" to continue onto Day 4. Congratulations for these contenders:

  • Sammi Alexis
  • Brooke Edmonton
  • Claire Marzo - HONORABLE MENTION
  • Linda Simone - HONORABLE MENTION
  • Christina Ellison
  • Elyse DeLuna
  • Shannon May
  • Julie Simone
Congratulations to the nine of you, and sorry Meggan Vousta, you have been cut from the sweepstakes.
"On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, four calling birds, three french hen, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree."
PoptropicaStars has given you the fourth verse scripted in "The Twelve Days of Christmas" to be creative on how to replicate the partridge in a pear tree, turtle doves, three french hen, and four calling birds. By tomorrow at 12:00 P.M., each sweepstakes contender must have sent in a legible picture of their creation to continue on with their quest for the Day 12 prizes. Winners of day 4 will be listed in the following post and progress into Day 5.

Literal example of four calling birds for quick inspiration


  1. Okay, sent it! ;)

  2. Christina Ellison17 December 2012 at 14:28

    Sending mine in right now.

  3. Replies
    1. Are you kidding me!? *faceplam* -_-

    2. About what? :/

    3. YOUR FRICKIN' HONORABLE MENTION! Yours suck, mine was obviously better than yours. *rolls eyes*

    4. Well, why was your name listed on the LAST name on the qualifier round, hmmm... >:)

    5. They were OBVIOUSLY chosen at random because look at the honorable mentions beside Claire and Geena's name! They aren't the top ones. You don't even deserve "honorable mention", you should be filling in Meggan's spot. Please come back in the comp Meg! D:

    6. Gurl, you are r-u-d-e, RUDE!

    7. Karma will pay, Linda! KARMA WILL PAYYY! >:D

    8. Guess what, I told you once, here's another, I DON'T BELIEVE IN KARMA!

  4. Congratulations for all of you, I'm so sorry Meggan. :( Good luck for everyone.

    Moment of silence for the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary please......... -_-

    1. It's okay. I just loved participating in the sweepstakes, very fun. PoptropicaStars should think of more cool themes, maybe even a trip sponsored by PoptropicaStars Channel :D

  5. Yay! I made it to day 4! :D Just sliding by. lol

  6. Calling birds?! Are you serious? I know about the song, but to replicate FOUR calling birds, iyiyi! This will be sooo challenging. PoptropicaStars was right about the "easiness" of it.

  7. Oh well, the sweepstakes was cool anyways. :) Good luck for the rest of you!

  8. Oh my gosh, this time will be soooo tough. I don't even know WHAT to do. :( I'll be back maybe at midnight. :P

  9. Congratulations for each and every one of you. I'm so sorry Meggan... This sweepstakes is just so much fun and great preparation for the holiday spirit. :)

    I'm sending in my replica of the four items right now. I hope PoptropicaStars will love the creativity in mine.

  10. Sent in mine an hour ago.

  11. UGH! I'm so tired of all of y'all getting prizes I can't even participate in, you all SUCK! DX
