Friday 31 December 2010

Popularity Contest: "Popularity Girl" Week 2

Enlarge image by clicking on the image.
Happy New Year's Eve everyone! PoptropicaStars had a wonderful year and I hope everyone did too, but now let's see who is nominated for elimination.
From the votes from the public, the tallies read up that NADIA and KIMBERLY have been nominated for elimination. All the other contestants are safe from elimination.
Blue = safe from elimination
Orange = nominated for elimination
Vote for who you want eliminated from the contest on the polls in the sidebar.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Popularity Contest: "Popularity Girl" Week 1

Enlarge image by clicking on the image.
PoptropicaStars organized a contest in which you and the public can vote who will be nominated for elimination and who will be eliminated. It's a popularity contest to see which girl can become "The Queen of Popularity". Some may escape elimination, some may escape nomination of being eliminated, and 7 will be eliminated. Every week, there will be instructions at the bottom of the image and it will show what you need to do like nominations and eliminations. You and the public will vote to whom to nominate or eliminate. Pick who to nominate for elimination this week if you can't read it.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Winter 2010-2011 Pop Fashion Magazine Sweepstakes

More than 100 submissions have been sent to the Pop Fashion Magazine sweepstakes organizer, Roger Hampton. He finally chose 5 out of the hundreds which were Gevana Mildhausen, Krystal Roya, Katie Campbell, Lauren Wesley, and Michelle Glotszky. Vote for who to win at the side bar. POLLS WILL CLOSE ON January 3, 2011. The winner of the contest/sweepstakes will win a cover page spot for a month's Pop Fashion Magazine and a tour around the world, the places the winner will travel to are France, Germany, The United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

Get voting!!!

Thursday 16 December 2010

The Heart Couture Photoshoot

This photoshoot was for the Heart Couture clothing store. Penelope Heatherson models in black & pink mini dress, a pink & black belt, a purple back bow, pink tight stockings, an expensive fiber crystal headband, and a gold peace necklace. She also has on black eyeliner and mascara, pink lipstick, and rose pink cheek make-up.

These articles of clothing can be purchased at your local Poptropica's Heart Couture in:
San Miranda, Fashion District, Port Domingo, Brookesville, San Bernardino, Santa Pamela, Ellisburg, Hollow Wood, Malin, any city said in the advertisement.

Thursday 9 December 2010

The "Fa La La" in Poptropica

Penelope Heatherson was taken a snapshot of in an artificial green wreath leaves headband and dress set, rose petal red lipstick, pink make-up blush, and black eyeliner. Her picture was put in a cut-out and made into a simple collage and placed on a Christmas scenery of a fireplace, Christmas tree, two stockings and a red and white wall.
The photograph who took the snapshot was Patricia Walker, the photo was later posted on Phototown Poptropica. Many Poptropicans were shocked of Penelope's apparel because they have never seen Penelope dress so Lady Gaga like. Poptropicans followed Patricia Walker and many others stole the same exact picture that Patricia took and posted it on his or her Phototown Poptropica album. Penelope Heatherson gets so much attention on YouTube, the blog, TV, but she will not likely come outside for a while because of fans. She will hire a butler to do her grocery shopping, clothing shopping, and recycling for her. She still makes her own apparels, but she will stick to Lady Gaga style outfits for a while.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Reality TV Island Walkthrough/Challenges and Review

If you are still trying to solve Reality TV Island, here's the website that will lead you to the walkthrough.


The second part is on my channel, find it and you will have the full walkthrough with the challenges. Here's my review for Reality TV Island.

"Reality TV Island is the weakest island I've played on Poptropica by far. The concept of the game doesn't make any sense. Bucky Lucas being the first one eliminated in season one of Reality TV being famous doesn't make any sense. In real life, the first person eliminated most likely won't be remembered. The names of the contestants should be changed. I don't think the creators thought of any good names or people. They just stuck with the stupid names like Bob,
Betty, and Rickie. I would've thought of names like Claire, Marisa, and Shantel. The style of the contestants are too strict and think about their life and about their arrogancy. Having to deal with these characters that think nothing about others, drama, or even the game are boring. Plus, they use the same characters over and over and other island characters like Director D, Dr. Hare, Ned Noodlehead, Betty Jetty, are frustrating. This island is rated 1.5 stars." ~PoptropicaStars

Wednesday 24 November 2010

A New Returning Player Main Page in Poptropica

On November 22, 2010 in the morning, the Poptropica creators added a Daily Pop section which has comics, MINICLIP games, and sneak peeks of sketches, scenes, and more. I don't think the comics and MINICLIP games are needed because they will bring lower ratings to Poptropica and may effect filming of Poptropica whether it's a walk-through, a music video, or even the PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever series. The PoptropicaStars company will be keeping eyes out for suspicious action by Daily Pop. Here's a video to see the renovations.


Wednesday 17 November 2010

PoptropicaStas Music Video: 3OH!3 ft. Ke$ha- My First Kiss

3OH!3 ft. Ke$ha's My First Kiss music video has a Poptropica version of it and the PoptropicaStars company have made a video about the music video, it has fun transitioning, scenes that fit the music, and moving characters. Come and see it.


Comment, rate, and subscribe. This will be the Poptropica music video that will catch your eye.

Saturday 13 November 2010

Pink Diamond Soft Drinks Photoshoot

This photoshoot for the Pink Diamond Soft Drinks brand was taken on October 26, 2010. PoptropicaStars is wearing a green bikini top and bottom, green ribbons wrapping around her legs, and holding a Pink Diamond Soft Drink while posing with one hand going straight, the other one diagonally as well as the legs. This photo will be placed on December's InStyle Poptropica magazine.

The Starshake Drinks company is hosting a new flavor of the Pink Diamond Soft Drinks, TROPICAL KIWI-STRAWBERRY, following with the new PINEAPPLE-ORANGE and RASPBERRY.

BRANDS FROM STARSHAKE DRINKS COMPANY: Pink Diamond Soft Drinks, Fizz Blizzard, Dessert Shakes, Dino Soda, Leisure Soft Drinks

Wednesday 10 November 2010

PoptropicaStars Catches the Common Cold

PoptropicaStars called in absent for work at the PoptropicaStars company because she had the common cold this morning. Luckily, the substitute, Penelope Heatherson, filled in for her. During her common cold, she cooked up a warm bowl of spinach and chicken noodle soup. Hired butlers were to bring the box of Kleenex tissues to her, a butler stated that PoptropicaStars used up almost half of the box of tissues. The cold was out at 2:00, but her nose was still weak so PoptropicaStars cut some jasmine, rose, and cloves from her 2 acres garden and had a butler buy a Delta Flora scented candle for her aromatherapy time for 1 hour. This remedy helped PoptropicaStars regain her nose strength and it resolved the common cold.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Season 5 of PoptropicaStars New Promo

This is the last promo for the new season of PoptropicaStars. This promo will feature lots of colors, a beautiful music instrumental, and a lot of hard work and effort.


Don't forget to comment and "thumbs up" it!

Saturday 6 November 2010

PoptropicaStars Halloween Festival Conclusion

The PoptropicaStars Halloween Festival was full of monsterous and fulfilling events. We had an awesome time hosting the festival. Everyone at the festival was partying like zombies and ghosts collided. We even saw some famous celebrities:

Nick Burley- the host of Good Morning Poptropica
Jesse Williams- the Super Power Heroes linebacker
Lisa Trace- the country music singer
TyAiShA- one of Poptropica's famous hip-hop singer
Braden Ferno- a model for sportswear
Krista Fulshear- the reporter of the Steamworks Island Sun

We will definately do this Halloween event again next year!

Sunday 31 October 2010

Happy Halloween!

Today, the PoptropicaStars Halloween Festival will begin at 3:00 p.m and will end at midnight. This event will be taking place at the San Poptropica Pier. Everything will be set up for the fun, treats, concerts, and more when you come to the festival. We will be having the spookiest costume contest, pumpkin pie eating contest, and trick-or-treating with candy, caramel apples, toys, and more. This will be a spooktacular event full fo fun for Poptropica families.

Come to the San Poptropica Pier today at 3:00 p.m. for loads of Halloween fun!

Saturday 30 October 2010

Season 5 of PoptropicaStars

Well, season 4 has been a season of ups and downs, and it has come to a close. Luckily, we will return with more extraordinary videos in season 5! Woo hoo! The PoptropicaStars Company has made a promo that will make you awe for life. (It doesn't really do that, it's just an exaggeration.) Well, enjoy the promo.


The video contains a video of Penelope in a bikini, if you are male Poptropican looking for single girls, Penelope is one of them.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Lightning Energy Drink Photoshoot

This is a Halloween-style photoshoot for Lightning Energy Drinks. PoptropicaStars is standing or perhaps posing on a green energy drink fountain geyser. She is holding a Lightning Energy Drinks in each hand. This photoshoot was shot on October 10th. Lightning Energy Drinks is having a promotion in Poptropica too. PoptropicaStars is also wearing orange designer bikini tops and bottoms. PoptropicaStars is doing some more photoshoots before season 2 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever.

Saturday 23 October 2010

Reunion of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S1 RELEASED

The reunion is released and the 7 contestants are back to answer PoptropicaStars's questions in an interview. Here is the website for the reunion. Please do not even try to film or copy it, it's already copyrighted by me.


Enjoy and comment!

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Sneaky PoptropicaStars

PoptropicaStars was caught snooping around in a pumpkin patch near Misty Foliage, Poptropica. The person that snapshotted the picture is unknown. Misty Foliage is known as the spookiest place on Halloween night especially around October at night. Every house in that city decorates their houses in a creative, but spooky way. Even trees, farmlands, and industries have a creepy feeling to it. PoptropicaStars said that she wanted to pick 50 medium-sized pumpkin (out of about 400 pumpkins) for the PoptropicaStars Halloween festival at the San Poptropica Pier. She wanted to bake the pumpkin seeds for free sampling at her own booth. She is also baking pumpkin pies for everyone to enjoy at 3 Poptropica credits for each pie. Rumors said that PoptropicaStars will be singing at the PoptropicaStars Halloween festival, some say that Diane & Danny Grater (married illusionists) will be at the festival.
The PoptropicaStars Halloween Festival will be at the San Poptropica Pier at 3:00 p.m. to midnight on October 31st.

Saturday 16 October 2010

Poptropica's Pandora Outfitters Photoshoot

This photoshoot was taken on October 3 and will be in November's InStyle Poptropica magazine ads section (even though this is a summer photoshoot).

Sunday 10 October 2010

Halloween Costumes

I know lots of kids and children would love to dress up for Halloween, even Poptropicans love to dress up and go trick-or-treating. If you are a person that owns a Poptropican, here are some creepy, spooky, and possibly even amazing costumes your Poptropican can try for Halloween. I added some of those make-ups to add effect to the costume.

IN ORDER (LEFT TO RIGHT): Vampire Viara, Ice Fairy, Princess


This effect of the eyes is made with mascara and eyelining the perimeter.

Saturday 9 October 2010

INSIDE SCOOP: With Alis Henderson

Alis was the winner of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1. Here's a newspaper article about her.

Saturday 2 October 2010

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: ChannelPoptropica and PoptropicaStars Merge

On September 30, 2010, PoptropicaStars signed the merging contract for ChannelPoptropica and now, PoptropicaStars and ChannelPoptropica will merge to form a network between each other. PoptropicaStars's videos can still be viewed from that channel, but it can also be viewed on ChannelPoptropica's playlist on ChannelPoptropica's channel. The following PoptropicaStars original videos that will be merged on to ChannelPoptropica's channel will be listed below:

  • PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Series
  • PoptropicaStars Music Videos

ChannelPoptropica's shows can't be viewed on PoptropicaStars's channel, but PoptropicaStars's videos can be viewed on ChannelPoptropica's channel. Merging the videos will start October 10, 2010. Thank you for your cooperation for reading this important announcement.

Friday 24 September 2010

Penelope Heatherson's Glamour Girl Photoshoot

This is Penelope's photoshoot for the lip product, Glamour Girl. Glamour Girl is a lipstick, but it can also make those lip lines disappear to make your Poptropican's lip look flawless and pretty.

NOTE: This product is not real in the real world, but it is in Poptropica.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Alis Wins PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1!

The two finalists, Alis and Sharon were preparing for PoptropicaStars to call either of their names and it was Alis that recieved the call and officially has won PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1. Alis and Sharon interviewed in the morning on Good Morning Poptropica with Nick Burley and Nick asked these questions to the winner and runner-up. (Alis also brought her 5,000 Poptropica credits check with her for proof of winning.)

NICK: Question for Alis, were you surprised when you won the 5,000 Poptropica credits and be crowned "The Next Fashionista of Poptropica"?

ALIS: Yes, very surprised actually. I was hoping for Sharon to win since she played a fabulous amount of effort.

NICK: Question for Sharon, how did you feel when Alis won?

SHARON: I felt glad to see Alis win because she really deserved the 5,000 Poptropica credits and she created amazing designs, ruled the runway, and played it safe until the final two.

NICK: Question for Alis, how are Poptropicans acting around you?

ALIS: They really want my autographs, but I sign the autograph notebooks because I feel grateful that people love me. I even saw Ida Nolan come up to me and say "I would love for you to join the designing company, Violette." That was my favorite clothing store and company.

NICK: Question for Sharon, did any of your fans want autographs from you?

SHARON: Yes, they absolutely did, they were screaming and shouting my name to come over there and sign the autograph books and pictures. I loved it, I got to sign everyone's until my pen ran out of ink.

NICK: Question for both of you, did you have any regrets in the competition?

ALIS: Yes, voting out Bernadette made me tear up a bit, but I didn't want to see Sharon or Bernadette leave because they have gone so far in the competition.

SHARON: Yes, I did have a regret of arguing with Emily on the stars & stripes outfit designing time. It was really rude of me and I feel bad for myself for doing that.

NICK: Well, thanks for the interview Alis and Sharon, congratulations Alis for winning season 1 and Sharon for making it to the final two.


These are the questions Nick Burley asked Alis and Sharon that placed 1st and 2nd on PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1.

In the afternoon interview on The View on Poptropica, the co-host Mandy Parrie asked lots of questions about them, it took the show 20 minutes, usually each segment is 10 minutes, but it was a special edition of the conclusion of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1. The previous 5 designers (Bernadette, Emily, Paris, Leslye, and Christina) get ready for the reunion party and all 5 eliminated designers said that Alis deserved the win.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Finale (Episode 6/Part 2) of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever RELEASED!

The final part of the finale is now released on YouTube, check it out! See who wins!


SUMMARY: It's the final two showdown between 2 designers, but only one will win the 5,000 Poptropica credits and be crowned as "The Next Fashionista of Poptropica". The speeches and designs will get some judges confused who to pick, but they led up to the decision to choose.....

Saturday 18 September 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Poptropica!!!

Let's all sing a very new and revised happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you! Everything this year will be new! Happy happy birthday to you! We all wish you happy birthday because the things you do! Happy happy happy birthday to you. You are now 3, but last year you were 2! Happy happy happy happy birthday to you! We all wish you a happy birthday between all of us and you! Now blow out the candles and make your wish come true!

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S1 Finale

There will be a slight delay for Episode 6/Part 2 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S1. It might be uploaded today, but it WILL be uploaded between today and October 1st.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Back To School Shopping: Supplies

NON-POPTROPICA: If you haven't had enough time to buy all those school supplies, here are some money saving school tools you might need later on in the school year.
  • Bendy rulers (for math and drawing a straight line)
  • Binders/Folders (for all kinds of school subjects)
  • Calculator (for math and ONLY for checking homework)
  • Gel Pens (for coloring in art)
  • Lock (for lockers in middle school and high school)
  • Portable Hole Punchers (for hole punching papers to put in binders)
  • Mechanical Pencils/Lead (for writing)
  • Scented Markers (for art)

These are only SOME of the school supplies you might or will need during school.

Season 5 of PoptropicaStars

Season 5 of PoptropicaStars is coming closer and closer as the finale of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S1 is starting to close. The PoptropicaStars company will start making a season 5 promo after the finale of the show. Please sit back, relax, and wait.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Season 2 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever UPDATE

Season 2 will begin in December, January, or February depending on how many requests there are to finish up. Season 1's last part of the finale will be released probably this week or next week. Please wait patiently for the final part of season 1 to come out.

Friday 20 August 2010

Finale (Episode 6/Part 1) of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever RELEASED

Part 1 of the finale of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever was released today and the final 2 had a couple of struggles along the way to reach this point in the competition. This is the MOST important episode of all in season 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever. The reunion will be filmed as well as the winner being crowned "The Next Fashionista of Poptropica".


SUMMARY: The final 2 design not 1, but 3 outfits for the main judges and a celebrity judge. They start to have some struggles with the designs and pleading speech.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S1 Elimination Station Events

After 1st elimination (Christina voted off): Christina was at the villa drinking a smoothie and e-mailed relatives and friends that she got eliminated first.

After 2nd elimination (Leslye voted off): Leslye joined Christina and she promised to Leslye that she will become nicer since she's out of the game.

After 3rd elimination (Paris voted off): Paris was told that Christina was much nicer by Leslye and she believed it. Paris made some ice cream sodas for Leslye and Christina that night for dessert.

After 4th elimination (Emily eliminated): Paris was shocked that Emily got eliminated and thought Alis was voted off. Emily told everyone about the twist, "The Elimination Game" and everyone reviewed all the tapes PoptropicaStars sent them and review. They all felt silly being eliminated.

After 5th elimination (Bernadette voted off): Paris was so excited to have Bernadette, but sad to see the remain of the alliance cleared. They all saw the tape Bernadette was given and saw that Alis was just being nice to get an advantage. Everyone thought she was too likeable. Everyone settled for Sharon to win since she blew a top off and played cleanly, not nice, not mean, just right.

Every said their regrets from the game and wished Sharon and likeable Alis for good luck and just wait for the finale results.

Friday 13 August 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S1 Contestants Comments from Viewers

Season 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever is coming to a close. Just before we reveal who the winner of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever S1 is, let's take a moment to see how people reacted to this season's contestants.

ALIS: Alis is a smart player in the competition. She played it safe by eliminating the people that she knew would have the most of the votes, she joined and left people in the right times like Jun and Alison from Big Brother 4 in the U.S version. Not only she made good moves, she also made a lot of fabulous designs that wowed the judges. She's the best player to me. She really needs to be in all-stars. ~Nikki Hampton

BERNADETTE: Bernadette had a couple of struggles along the way to the final 3. Bernadette lost the only alliance member she had and made average designs that didn't really please the judges. Not only was she a weak player, she technically won fashion immunity because Paris helped her with the design. In the rules, it didn't say anything about helping out each other. So Paris technically won fashion immunity on episode 2. Bernadette only got into the final 3 because of her sportsmanship and her weak moves, but still remained in the game until she got voted out by Alis. ~Paul Gordine

CHRISTINA: Christina had a tin man brain. She made the worst move of the season, sabotaging, really? Shame on you Christina Jones. You should not be deserving 1 Poptropica credit of the prize at all. You deserve a spankin' and deserves negative 100 Poptropica credits. ~Briana Elpano

EMILY: Emily was an okay player. She told about the P & B alliance at the right moment before they take over the show. It was a wild card moment that she was eliminated in "The Elimination Race". She had good designs. Bring her to all-stars, she's good. ~Calvin Doreem

LESLYE: Leslye? Everything she did was boring. Boring, boring, boring! Her exercising to think was a pain in the neck. She was acting a little suspicious not hanging out with the others. Now I know she was not secluded from the pack. Thank God she was eliminated 2nd. I couldn't stand her one more episode trying to exercise, it's not even an exercise show. ~Helena Lumies

PARIS: Paris is probably a sporty type, my type. She was gorgeous, her designs for her were good, but I like her alliancing with Bernadette. She was funny when she got angry at Emily for spying on her. I want her to be on all-stars please. ~Edward Fernandez

SHARON: Sharon is hot, funny, and se*y. She likes acting with different emotions a lot which is funny to watch her get all mad, sad, happy, and worried. That was an LOL moment. She made the best designs and she needs to be in the all-stars season competing with the others. ~ Jason Coppers

These are real people and their comments about the contestants. These were chosen some of the best answers except for Jason and Edward trying to flirt with them. Some or bad, some are good, not every person likes them all.

Thursday 12 August 2010

Fifth Person Voted Out, Bernadette

Bernadette Waley is the fifth person voted off of "PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever". She arrived at the villa this today, this morning at 6:03 a.m. Bernadette arrived at the villa in Miami, FL and said that Alis voted me off. Paris was excited that Bernadette was with her now. Bernadette was told about everything that went by in the villa from Christina being nicer to a last day barbeque. Paris is not upset anymore now that Bernadette is with her. Bernadette told everything that went on in the game like the Hawaiian fashion assignment to how she got eliminated by Alis.

Merna Liseria came over 30 minutes later after the arrival of Bernadette. Merna interviewed Bernadette and asked her a load of question. Some she answered that she knew, some she didn't know.

This morning, 8:00 a.m on Good Morning Poptropica, Bernadette was a guest for the "Fashion Fever" segement of the show. Nick Burley the host of Good Morning Poptorpica asked Bernadette the following questions and what reply did Bernadette use.

Q: Do you know why Alis voted for you?
A: I'm not sure, but I think Alis voted for me because I was less deserving?

Q: How do you think you did in the Hawaiian fashion assignment?
A: I think I did great.

Q: How do you think you did in the whole game?
A: I was okay, but I think Alis and Sharon did better than me.

Q: Did your alliance with Paris help at all?
A: No, I don't think the alliance was any help what so ever.

Q: On you first day on PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever, which person did you trust?
A: I trusted in everyone to keep me here, but some turned out to be mean and some nice.

These are the questions Nick Burley asked Bernadette which place 3rd in PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Episode 5/Part 2 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever RELEASED!

Episode 5/Part 2 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever is now on YouTube. The link is below.

SUMMARY: This voting will be a shocker to some of you, some might not. The final 2 is now revealed, go see which two it is.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Famous Poptropican Designers

These are the famous designers of Poptropica!

Felicia Dauri- Felicia is best known for her magical designs. Her Halloween angel design's ring was spinning and the wings were waving magically. Felicia has also made an optical illusion dress for singer/songwriter, Ainsley Caster, the Poptropican singing star for a music video. She sure is a lively hit every hour.

QUOTE: "It was really hard work designing, sewing, and cutting those pieces of nothing to a live something."~Felicia Dauri

Sheryl Nao- Sheryl is best known for her kimonos and her natural jewel tiaras. Her designs bring sparkle to the Asian culture and the tiara work makes her designs a popularity of a lifetime. Sheryl has been designing since she was 9 years old. She is now designing for the top designing agencies in Poptropica. Sheryl is having a handful of accomplishments.

QUOTE: "Designing is something not from the learning of it. It's from the brain and the heart."~Sheryl Nao

Lorel Staffel- Lorel is best known for her recycled items designs. She makes trash to a wearable treasure. She is known for the infamous dress that all Poptropican designers know, "The 'Can Can' Dancing Dress". It's made out of recycled soda cans made into a rare aluminum dress. Only Lorel knows the secret to make one of those, but rumors say that it's a 18-step directions she's memorized. That's love, peace, and recycle!

QUOTE: "Designing and recycling can be in the same sentence. Like that one."~Lorel Staffel

Chierra Tuckers- Chierra is best known for her jewelries made out of food. She has made petrified candy necklaces and bracelets. The "string" is made out of silver and sometimes gold. She has also made milk chocolate wedding rings, a candy basket, and a Twizzler bracelets for a presidential wedding reception for the president of Poptropica, Tyson Hensley. She has a sweet tooth and a sweet mind.

QUOTE: "This is a talent and a gift. It may seem easy, but designing accessories and jewelry is pretty difficult than it seems. Not everything is what it seems to be."~Chierra Tuckers

Those are some of the interesting facts of the infamous Poptropican designers.

Back To School Shopping: Outfits

Back to school shopping is here and you're looking for outfits for school. What to choose? What to choose?! Here are some outfits for your character for back to school. There are 4.

Friday 30 July 2010

Episode 5/Part 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever RELEASED

Episode 5/Part 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever was released today. Here's the link.

SUMMARY: The 3 remaining contestants make a tropical storm of Hawaiian fashion and one will win fashion immunity sending the designer up to the final 2. Who will it be? Find out and watch Episode 5/Part 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever, now!

CONTESTANTS: Alis, Bernadette, Sharon

Wednesday 28 July 2010

PoptropicaStars Music Videos

It's PoptropicaStars again, I'm thinking of doing a few more music videos with current 2009-2010 music. You can suggest some music videos, but it would have to be in studio version or in childish voices so I won't have any copyright problems. Check your suggesting music video on YouTube to make sure if it sounds good and it will somewhat have to fit the music with Poptropica because I've seen music videos on there and a LOT don't fit the music. If it doesn't fit the music, it makes no point to make one to me. I've learned that last month.

RESTRICTIONS: It has to be current music in the 2009-2010 range. It will be in studio version or kiddish voice so check if your music video you are suggesting is available in at least one and it sounds good enough to qualify. Check my YouTube channel to see if that music video is taken or not first too.

Friday 16 July 2010

Fourth Person Eliminated, Emily

Emily Ray is the fourth person eliminated, not voted out, on PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1. She arrived last in the elimination game, "The Elimination Race", due to going to an incorrect location. After she took off her shark costume and changed into her clothes. Emily walked to the van and arrived at the elimination villa in Miami, Florida this morning at 5:30 a.m. In the morning, Leslye said Christina was much nicer now and Paris was still upset (from episode 3) because of Emily telling everyone about the Bernadette and Paris alliance. Emily told everyone the placings of "The Elimination Race" to everyone. Paris still believed that Bernadette was first place, not Alis.

Merna Liseria, the Poptropica Daily News Scoop editor, came to the elimination villa and asked Emily Ray how was she eliminated, it was easy telling her why.

Nick Burley, Good Morning Poptropica's host had Emily as a guest star and asked Emily these following questions.

QUESTION (NICK): Emily, did you feel when you were last?
ANSWER (EMILY): I cried a little when I arrived last and she said I was eliminated. So, I was sad.

QUESTION: What could you have done to make you go further in the game?
ANSWER: This part wasn't counting on friends so, yeah, I could've made the right turn instead of stopping to go looking on Fort Ridley.

QUESTION: In episode 2/part 1, why did you do the same idea as Sharon did?
ANSWER: She was annoying me a bit so I had to teach her a lesson.

QUESTION: In episode 3/part 1, why did you trust Sharon then?
ANSWER: I trusted in Sharon that part because she was the only person to get so I can get rid of one of the alliance members.

QUESTION: Do you regret anything you have done in the game?
ANSWER: Yes, two actually, and that was copying what Sharon did in episode 2 and taking two wrong turns in "The Elimination Race".

These were the questions Nick Burley asked Emily Ray, 4th place on season 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever.

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Episode 4/Part 2 RELEASED!

Episode 4/Part 2 was released yesterday evening. Here's the link to that part of the episode.

SUMMARY: PoptropicaStars has a little twist to the game. It's called "The Elimination Game" and the last person that finishes "The Elimination Game" will be automatically eliminated. Find out who it is, watch the link above to see.

Thursday 8 July 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 2 Auditions CLOSED!

I had lots of girls sign up for Season 2 because they love the show so far. Signing up for PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 2 is now closed. For elite members1 though, still have time until July 20. Elite members can also be full-time judges or part-time judges depending on the cost ($3.00 per episode).

SEASON 2 AUDITIONS: Audition tapes and CDs will start being reviewed over on July 9, 2010. The semi-final decisions will be decided on July 10, 2010. Contestant interviews will start July 11, 2010 until July 12, 2010. Final decisions will be shown July 15, 2010.

^1: Elite members of PoptropicaStars's channel/network are people that subscribed to me on YouTube, followed me on one or more of my three blogging spaces (Blogger, Twitter, and Facebook), and commented on one of my videos on YouTube.

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Episode 4/Part 1 RELEASED!

Episode 4/Part 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever is now released on YouTube. Click on the link below to view this part of the episode.

SUMMARY: The 4 remaining designers will "go back in time" and design an outfit that was back in the old cottage times. If you guessed colonial fashion, then you are correct. After the runway show, as usual, PoptropicaStars says who won fashion immunity from the runway showing and then go deciding who the eliminated person will be. Next part, it will be different, there will be a twist to elimination. Find out next part, but watch this one first.

Contestants remaining: Alis, Bernadette, Emily, Sharon

Monday 5 July 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 2 Auditions OPEN

The Season 2 auditions of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever is open. The auditions will close July 8. If you come late, you won't be counted as an auditioner and you will be counted as late and can't audition next season.

Thanks for understanding and please audition with your first name, last name, state/city, need to have proof you are a beginner fashion designer of higher, needs to be ages 5~18 if you are willing to be on the show.

FINE PRINT: No gold cards or costume cards on show/filming.

Thursday 1 July 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1 "Red Carpet" Moments Part 1

Check out Christina, Leslye, and Paris's "red carpet" moments.

Below this post.

Paris's "Red Carpet" Moment

You know Paris with her alliance with Bernadette. She was caught with her alliance and was eliminated placing her in 5th place. This was Paris's red carpet moment.

"My red carpet moment is the alliance and how it ended with a gossip that was the truth. Another red carpet moment was when I was on the New Kingdom fashion assignment and made a design that looked kind of like Cinderella's plain old dress. I thought of Cinderella while thinking of the fashion assignment." ~Paris Chartel, PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever contestant

This red carpet moment was sponsored by Poptropica Network and Reality TV Studios.

Leslye's "Red Carpet" Moment

You will know Leslye in the show with her exercising and thinking at the same time in the game. She was acting a little suspicious for the contestants so 3 people voted for Leslye therefore, dropping her to 6th place. Leslye was interviewed of what her "red carpet" moment was. This was her "red carpet" moment.

"The red carpet moment I had was when Penelope said to design a New Kingdom outfit and I thought about castles and knights whith shiny armor, so yeah, I didn't understand the idea of the outfit, I didn't hear the pretty princess part." ~Leslye Juantana, PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever contestant

This red carpet moment was sponsored by Poptropica Network and Reality TV Studios.

Christina's "Red Carpet" Moment

You know Christina by her way of manipulation for her strategy in her game which landed her in 7th place/last place. Not that smart, but this was her "red carpet" moment interview.

"This was a short red carpet moment of me in the show. Making Sharon, Bernadette, and Paris angry to cause some drama in this game." ~Christina Jones, PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever contestant

This red carpet moment was sponsored by Poptropica Network and Reality TV Studios.

Thursday 17 June 2010

Third Person Voted Out, Paris

Paris Chartel is the third person voted out of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever. She arrived at the elimination villa at 9:05 am. When Paris arrived, she noticed Christina was at the villa as well as Leslye. Paris got really worried Christina might go crazy again like what she did in the show. Leslye told Paris that Christina changed a lot during the stay in the villa. She's nicer, better personality, and helping. Paris believed Leslye so she trusted Christina.

In the evening on the first day of the villa for Paris, she got interviewed by Merna Liseria, the editor of "Poptropica Daily News Scoop". Paris got asked lots of questions and the interview will be shown on next week's newspaper.

Today in the morning, Paris Chartel was a guest star in "Good Morning Poptropica". Nick Burley, the host of "Good Morning Poptropica" asked the following questions and this is what Paris replied.

QUESTION (Nick): Paris, were you surprised that you were voted off and placed 5th?
ANSWER (Paris): Yes, I was surprised, but I knew Bernadette or I would be going home since the rest outnumbered us.

QUESTION (Nick): In the second part, Emily spread the word about your alliance with Bernadette, are you still angry at her?
ANSWER (Paris): No, but I won't blame her for telling everybody this situation. It's part of the game.

QUESTION (Nick): Who did you vote for in the elimination?
ANSWER (Paris): I obviously voted for Emily because she spread the word about our alliance, but I told you I am not blaming her, but it's the game.

QUESTION (Nick): Do you know who voted for who?
ANSWER (Paris): Yes, Christina was paying attention to the voting. Alis, Emily, and Sharon voted for me and Bernadette and I voted for Emily.

QUESTION (Nick): In episode 3 on the super hero fashion assignment, do you want to know why you didn't get chosen to get immunity and the reward?
ANSWER (Paris): No, but I don't want to know either.

These were the questions Nick Burley asked Paris Chartel, 5th place on season 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Episode 3/Part 2 RELEASED!

Episode 3/Part 2 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever is now released on YouTube. Come and see what happens. Click on the link below to view it.

SUMMARY: The 5 remaining designers are all deciding who to vote out. 1 of the 5 contestants convinced the non-alliance members to vote out an alliance member. Guess who is going to be eliminated.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever News

TOP NEWS FOR FASHION FEVER: The contestant on "PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever", Emily Ray, was disqualified for one fashion assignment which was the super hero fashion assignment due to Emily adding a gun to her fashion design. This was shown on Episode 3/Part 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Season 1. Guns are a huge violation on the show and it is even on the "PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever" Season 1 audition pamphlet. Emily will be going to the Super Power Island court after the finale party for the following...
  • Having a gun on a reality television show that's shown worldwide. (Fake or not, it's a Poptropica reality television violation.)
  • Gun isn't registered. (if it's a real)

Remember this current season designers and future contestants, don't add any items on your design if it includes weapons, nudity, or genderism.


1. Penelope Heatherson was at a conference with the reality TV meeting during the filming of episode 3 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever.

2. Leslye and Christina are having a good friendship bond now. Christina was mean in the show to have attention though.

Sunday 6 June 2010

Episode Three/Part One of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever RELEASED!

Episode 3/Part 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever is now released on YouTube. Watch it here.

SUMMARY: There are only 5 girls left. They'll be designing a "super" design. 2 girls' secrets will be revealed by another one that might change the votes dramatically next part. As always, one girl will win immunity and reward. The link is above the summary. Watch and see the first part of episode three.

QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? Contact me at or

r---PoptropicaStars (Natalie Easten)

Sunday 30 May 2010

Fashion Fever Long Delay

I'm sorry to say this, but please understand. PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever will have a very long delay until June because of computer problems and I can't continue until I have gotten rid of the computer problem. The next fashion assignment (I will tell you this) is a super hero fashion! It may be easy, but the 5 remaining contestants will need to express their feelings in this too, but this isn't Poptropica's Next Top Model. ChannelPoptropica will be doing that show.


Questions or comments, e-mail me on Youtube. Thanks for understanding. :)

Monday 3 May 2010

Emily's Birthday Party at PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever

Emily's birthday was on May 3. At her birthday party, PoptropicaStars said a speech, the contestants and people who worked at PoptropicaStars Fashon Fever and including Emily's parents came to the party to enjoy the fun. They had a two-layered cake that's peach flavored, a disk jockey (DJ), a dancing competition, and more! Emily's parents took photographs and autographed the remaining contestants in the show left excluding Emily. That means Alis, Bernadette, Paris, and Sharon. Emily's parents also took lots of great photographs, but unfortunately, they did not want the pictures to be posted on here or Twitter and definately not Facebook. Emily's party was the most memorable event that has taken place on the first season of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever. Emily will never forget this moment, ever.

NOTE: We can't show you any of the pictures that are taken because Emily's parents don't want complaints, featuring, and questions about the photo.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Second Person Voted Out, Leslye

Leslye Juantana is the second person voted out of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever. She arrived at the villa in Miami, Florida at 10:24 A.M and Christina was surprised that Leslye was eliminated. Christina asked Leslye why she was voted off, Leslye didn't have a clue how she was voted off. Christina hypothesized that they might have BLINDSIDED her like in Survivor and Big Brother.

The next day at the villa, Leslye had to come to the "Poptropica Daily News Scoop" newspaper editor's corner and tell Merna Liseria, the editor, everything why she was eliminated. Leslye had little information her elimination was.

On Thursday, Leslye interviewed Nick Burley, the host of "Good Morning Poptropica". He asked Leslye these questions and she responded back.

QUESTION: Did you feel upset when you were voted out?
ANSWER: Yes, but I was mostly shocked the time.

QUESTION: Who did you vote for in that episode?
ANSWER: Sharon.

QUESTION: Why did you vote for Sharon?
ANSWER: I heard Alis say that she messed around with Emily.

QUESTION: In the New Kingdom Fashion episode, did you misunderstand the directions?
ANSWER: Yes, I didn't pay attention to the details. I just heard Penelope say "new kingdom fashion" and that's it.

QUESTION: Some people said you were acting suspicious, is that true?
ANSWER: No, I wasn't acting suspicious, I was just making my designs a surprise for everyone and also I hid from everyone is because I'm pretty shy. I think this game could make me get over shyness. The others are just "flying under the radar".

Saturday 3 April 2010

First Person Voted Out, Christina

Christina Jones was the first person voted out because of her copying other contestant's designs and annoying Bernadette, Sharon, and Paris, enough to get her booted off the show.

Christina stayed at the villa and drank a glass of smoothie and interviewed famous talk show and news shows in Poptropica like Nick Burley, host of "Good Morning Poptropica" and Merna Liseria. When she interviewed Nick Burley, Christina admitted she was shamed and sorry for herself. She just wanted to copy other contestant's ideas to get to the next assignment and keep on riding the contestant's coattails by not doing good, she stated in episode 1 that she was going to be rude to everyone, she just wanted some of the attention on camera, but it turned into an elimination for her.

Friday 19 March 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Twists and Turns

Here are some the twists and turns that are going to be on PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever.

TIME LIMITS: These time limits are decided by how difficult the assignment is, the lowest we can give the Poptropicans to design it is in 4 hours. That's not a lot of time, sometimes it ranges to 8 hours depending how difficult it is to get the design done.

TIME CHECKS: A time check is when there is a tie vote in a voting, the two or more people that have the same number of votes will come forward and check who ever has the quickest time of finishing will be eliminated because people have to take their time on assignments.

THE STAR CHALLENGE: A star challenge is only found when there are only 3 Poptropicans left in the game, PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever. They will play a fashion game which they have something to do with fashion. The winner will recieve the voting pass and the only person that can vote, the Poptropican can gift that person with the voting pass, but then the Poptropican that gives away the voting pass can't vote.

DOUBLE ELIMINATION: The double elimination is only in use of Season 2 because there are
8 contestants/designers in Season 2 or other seasons that have gone past Season 2. It is where two contestants/designers will be eliminated from the game. Double eliminations will occur if there are 6 or 7 contestants left in the game.

These are all the twists and turns of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever.

UPDATE: After Season 1 of PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever is done, it will move to another channel.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever Assignments

The assignments on PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever are decided on how much work, how many different choices, and we put some unexpected twists in this Poptropica show like, time limits, fashion immunity, in one episode there will be a "time check". A "time check" meaning on the PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever series is when the votes have been tallied up and there is a tie in the votes, we would see who had the fastest time of finishing. The person that finishes before the other person that got the same number of votes will be eliminated because you don't need to rush to finish an assignment, you have to take your time wisely. They won't finish on the same time.

RED = important phrases

Saturday 13 March 2010

Penelope's Fashion Pictures

These are some of her pictures took last year. Very pretty, isn't it?

Follow her on Twitter!

Dr. Hare's Secret Lab Card / Cheese Touch on Poptropica

There is more than just defeating Dr. Hare in 24 Carrot, you get to explore his top secret lab. (Well, not secret anymore if you have the card.) Rumors said there was a micro-quest inside the lab, some kids say that there are 200 Poptropica credits if you finish the "so called" micro-quest. Reality TV Show Island is coming out soon for the people that don't have memebership. Not me, I have memebership, but I'm not uploading the walk-through until I have finished my PoptropicaStars Fashion Fever episodes. In teh moment, I'm planning the Season 5 of PoptropicaStars promos. I can't accept requests right now because I'm really busy this spring break. Thank you for understanding.

I beg your pardon, but some people are getting the cheese touch on Poptropica, that is not allowed, but an advertisement for the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid's game of the cheese touch is appropriate right now, but not in the chat rooms or Multiverse rooms, really, it's not fun doing it in chat rooms or Multiverse rooms.

Wednesday 3 March 2010


I didn't really like this island because of it's scenery and characters. I watch Survivor and this season, the real Survivor had shocking tribal councils and immunity challenges, it wasn't good enough for the island. There should've been more contestants like about 16 contestants and two tribes. The immunity challenges were quite unrealistic except for the shuffleboard and other real games. I would like to put some people speaking like Jeff saying "Ericka, the tribe has spoken." or "Timothy, wins immunity.".

Monday 15 February 2010

Poptropica Membership

There is a new update in Poptropica that's new to the store. Here's what new in "store". There is a membership you can ask your parents to buy. Now if you have a credit card, Visa, MasterCard, Discovery, AmericanExpress, unless you have at least $15.00 in that credit/debit card, you are ready to go until you ask your parents. Here's the deals.

Monthly- $2.99
3 Months- $7.99
6 Months- $12.99

WARNING FOR KIDDOS: Do not purchase without parent or guardian permission, or your account may be permanently banned! If you'd like to ask someone to purchase you membership or credits, go to your Stats page and click on the "Buy Membership" or "Buy Credits" buttons to use the request form.

Click on here to buy membership, but with your parent's permission and them watching.

Saturday 6 February 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Poptropica!

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY POPTROPICA! We wish you a happy Valentine's Day because we love you, everyone that's in Poptropica. The PoptropicaStars Company is hosting a huge Valentine's Day party for everyone that has played on Poptropica before that thinks it's fun. We are also doing a Mardi Gras segment of the party too. For preparations or tips for setting up your own Poptropican Mardi Gras party, please e-mail me on Youtube or Visit my Youtube website here: Thanks for contributing on my channel and full subscription of my videos, the other video is taking a while because my laptop just crashed four days ago and two days to restore everything I own on the laptop. Best wishes goes to everyone.

Sunday 24 January 2010

PoptropicaStars 2010 Fashion Show Updates!

Since we have the assignments planned and we have to put them on the same day, we will make it a competition. Have the best model win. We will have 4 judges on the fashion show, and here they are.

1st judge: PoptropicaStars (of course)
2nd judge: Penelope Heatherson (duh)
3rd judge: Will Korin

4th judge: Eliza Darielle

The first episode we are filming currently and adding music to is the first episode, New Kingdom Fashion. The first lady will be eliminated.

Monday 18 January 2010

Official Fashion Assignments For 2010 PoptropicaStars Fashion Show!

These are the official fashion assignments for the PoptropicaStars Fashion Show 2010. Here they are:

Episode 1: New Kingdom Fashion
Episode 2: Stripes & Stars
Episode 3: Hawaiian Fashion
Episode 4: Super Hero Fashion
Episode 5: Colonial Fashion
Episode 6: Any Fashion (needs to be presentable)

I can't tell you the winner because that would be spoiling the surprise. I'm also working on a music video so please don't disturb me while I work my hardest. Anyway, the fashion show is still being filmed and deciding a theme song for the show.

If you want to ask any questions or comments, please click on this word ----->PoptropicaStars. I'm glad to help people, you can also e-mail me at Thank you for your support.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Fashion Show of Poptropica 2010

Here is the finalization of the Poptropica Fashion Show in 2010! The contestants are:

1. Alis---Wednesday

2. Bernadette---Thursday

3. Christina---Monday

4. Emily--- Friday

5. Leslye---Tuesday

6. Paris---Sunday

7. Sharon---Saturday

These are the contestants of the Poptropica 2010 fashion show special. Penelope Heatherson and Rob both finalized the contestants' day to appear. The Poptropicans coming on that day may change because of their appointments, absents, and etc.